Toxic wiki pages

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Test case: Short name::Toxic wiki pages
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::other Sub-category Test subcategory::web browsers
Component System component::web browsers
Feature System feature::n/a
Objective [[Test objective::Some OLPC Wiki pages cannot be viewed using an XO, usually because the page links to image files that are excessively large. The first step to solving this problem is to make a list of such difficult wiki web pages. Then we can choose to either fix the XO software to better deal with these difficult pages, or we can fix the wiki pages. Or both.]]
Tools Test tools::An XO with web browsing software, such as Browse activity or Firefox activity.
Setup Test setup::Connect your XO to the Internet and launch a web browser activity, such as Browse or Firefox or Help.
Procedure [[Test procedure::Test the following links with your XO, and edit this wiki page as you see fit, based on your observations. Add or remove links as needed. As XO software improves, there should be fewer and fewer links here.

Toxic OLPC Wiki pages

Hardware specification has some large images that freeze or crash the XO.

== Toxic non-OLPC web pages ==]]

Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::Ideally, the XO should be able to view any page on the world wide web. Next best situation is that the XO does not freeze or crash or frustrate the user. If listed pages continue to give problems, then fixes are needed.
Comments More notes::n/a
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test
