TestResults 8.2.0

Revision as of 23:36, 16 November 2008 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (headings, explanation)
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Also see Test Group Release Notes.

Note that these queries display the values of all test results for a test case "jumbled together"; to see which build failed a test case with which Trac bug number, you must view the test case.


There are a total of {{#ask:

 | format=count
 | default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} test cases

Test results by test category

Click on a test category for a detailed list of test results.

Release 8.2 Test Results
Test category # of Test Cases Notes
Smoke Test {{#ask: Test category::SmokeTest format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Activities {{#ask: Test category::Activity format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Boot Tests {{#ask: Test category::Boot format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Journal {{#ask: Test category::Journal format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
SugarUI {{#ask: Test category::SugarUI format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Sugar Control Panel {{#ask: Test category::SugarControlPanel format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Upgrades {{#ask: Test category::Upgrades format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
XS Tests {{#ask: Test category::XS format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
I18N and Keyboard {{#ask: Test category::I18N format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Peripherals {{#ask: Test category::Peripherals format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -
Others {{#ask: Test category::other format=count default=No articles found in Category:Test cases ?}} -

All test results

{{#ask: |?Build stream |?Build number |?Trac bug number |?PassFail }}