XO Giving/International

< XO Giving
Revision as of 01:05, 18 November 2008 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (→‎Europe: change heading)
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European program

The 2008 Give 1 Get 1 program is available in parts of Europe! Visit http://laptop.org/global/ to order, see XO Giving/G1G1EU for more details.

Bottlenecks include complying with recycling/takeback laws and finalizing national wireless certifications.

Other regions

For Give One, Get One 2008, donors ordering from amazon.com must provide a shipping address to amazon.com within the United States to receive an XO.

import/export is your problem. There are services that will help you by providing a US mailing address that forwards to your real address; try Google to find one.
  • Thanks for your hint. I've found several postal services by using the search terms "mail forwarding service".
  • That probably won't help if they're also asking for payment via a credit card with a US billing address.
  • Why don't OLPC just do this themselves using a transatlantic courier? Transatlatic trade isn't a new idea... If they don't have the human resources or expertise to negotiate a deal, they could just encourage discussions like this one about the best way to get them shipped over individually, and put the most highly recommended links and tips on their official site. Surely anything is better than a vaguely implied flat-out "No" to the 93% of the population of the world who aren't in Canada or the USA?
There are warranty, recycling, and certification issues to be dealt with, by country and across the EU. 05:51, 6 October 2008 (UTC)


  • Is Canada included in the Amazon shipping offer?
    Not at the moment. Canadian donors (and others) will have to provide a US shipping address to receive an XO when the program launches. 05:51, 6 October 2008 (UTC)


I'm disappointed this program won't be available in Australia. I was looking forward to the give 1 get 1 launch so I could get one for my nephew. This is sadly only going to increase the demand for grey market laptops on eBay. :(

See the recent work by Pia Waugh and OLPC Australia.

All countries


Can I get an XO in my country if I am contributing or developing for the project?
If you or your friends are developing for the XO and require a laptop, they can apply to get one through the contributors program, regardless of where they live.


  • Will the charging adapter work in country Xyz? What addition parts will need to be bought?
    The USA power adapter is a 100-240V adapter, so it should work in most countries with a pin-adapter.


  • Would "localised" keyboards be a possibility ? Maybe that can best be assessed when the participation in the US is known, which may be an indication for interest to be expected in other industrialized countries.
    Producing and shipping localized keyboards in batches of tens of thousands is technically feasible, when there is the equivalent of a local deployment. For a program such as G1G1, this would theoretically require a local warehousing partner.