Traducción de Activities/All | original |
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Todavía no se ha traducido la página original, Activities/All. Si quieres traducirla, copía el texto desde aquí y agregalo a esta página usando "edit" arriba. También hay que cambiar el "status=deseada" arriba a "status=incompleta".
Mientras tanto, se puede verla traducida por google.
Please visit the Sugar Activity Library to browse and download Sugar activities.
Por favor, visite la Biblioteca de Actividades para Sugar para buscar y descargar las actividades de Sugar.
Activity and activity group subpages
Subpages link to individual Activity pages that are used to create Activity groups, such as Activities/Brazil, which are then used to specify a set of activities for OLPC or deployment builds. These pages are edited by developers responsible for preparing the builds. The page URLs are added to OSBuilder configuration files, and so any changes may require an update to a git repository or builder configuration.
- (Links in italics are links that redirect to another page.)
There are 3 pages of Activity subpages.