middle/high schoolers, getting them excited
hr 4 start doing something to help developers hr 40 hr 200 start writing code
engineering small skills
View source "view source" does not work. Needs someone to make it work. Someone who knows Python, 2-5 days?
Activities don't have collaboration. 1week. Change over time. Make collaboration. Identify an activity and incorporate. Get on the neighborhood. Someone who knows Python, 3+4 days/ 1week.
Teach a local group
Fudcon Sugar roadmap helping/hacking list
Running a local test team. Testing is really fun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology
"sugarizing" Linux apps. A hard process still. ethnography/classroom observations
can you step away? can you explain it to a non-technical audience? after you've been working on it 3 days straight, can you describe it well?
Eventual goal:::: Turn this knowledge into a curriculum for high school students in the area. Future workshop.
Sugar-on-a-stick. runs on a more recent fedora