Have a great idea for a tool, gadget, attachment, structure, or other object that laptop users might want to create? List it below, with a brief description. If the description runs to more than a couple of paragraphs, consider making a separate page for it and linking to that from this one.
Groups to get such content from include Instructables, wikiHow, and the Concord Consortium. Please add your favorite groups to this list.
- Basic health how-tos
- Basic sanitation, water filtration
- Construction of more useful household/daily items
wikiHow has a team of volunteers creating and curating a collection of how-tos for the OLPC. If you want to nominate an existing appropriate wikiHow article for use by OLPC, follow the instructions on this page..
wikiHow volunteers are available to "answer requests" and create new pages that OLPC might specifically need. Make any such requests at the wikiHow forums
or by contacting wikiHow volunteers active on the OLPC project including Flickety , Nicole Wilson, Sondra Crane or Jack H.
The list of (currently unverified and unconfirmed) pages that have been nominated for use by the OLPC is available at:
Status as of Oct 4, 2006:
- 523 articles nominated for OLPC project
- 270+ how-tos in static html delivered to OLPC
Instructables now has a group[1] devoted to building how-tos that might be interesting to OLPC. If you have a full-fledged how-to in mind, you can build it there and get feedback; if you have a design in mind but don't know how to create it, list it further down the page and hope that someone else will figure out an inexpensive way to get it done.
Their current list of projects includes:
- A Universal Nut Sheller
- A simple fish trap
- A plastic-bag glove for handling chemicals
- An easy way to do animations with a whiteboard and camera
Engineering how-tos
There are many great do it yourself projects for budding engineers. Please add to the list below, with links to available freely-licensed how-to collections where possible.
- A simple flywheel
- A rotor
- A wheel[barrow]
- ...
Beverage-can stove
Wikipedia has a lovely article on the topic, could easily be made into a how-to.
Information Technology how-to documents
MediaWiki tricks
protecting pages - probably just a link into the mediawiki wiki
wiki hints on an OLPC machine
this should include a plan for ongoing support, probably within the local language on a shared wiki
Nitpicker 18:14, 16 October 2006 (EDT)