Totem plugin

Revision as of 01:31, 8 February 2009 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (update with bug 8982, doesn't work)
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This is the default media player on the laptops, via Browse. See also GStreamer#Totem plugin. For testing, versioning, and inclusion purposes, this should be treated like an activity. Other activities and bundles will depend specifically on this subpart of Browse, and not necessarily Browse itself.

One, possibly inaccurate, way to see what mime types and codecs Totem/Gnash thinks it can support is to enter about:plugins in the Browse location field.

Adding MP3 capabilities

NOTE: Release 8.2.0 uses an old backported version of GStreamer, so most web guides to installing additional codec support will not work.

<trac>8982</trac> is the latest bug proposing MP3 support, the suggestion for Totem is around comment #27.

Instructions for adding the Fluendo MP3 codec can be found here: Fluendo_mp3_decoder

See also