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'''''TRADUCIR !!!!!!!!!!!'''''

The tutorial explain with detail as create the Paquete de la actividad Hola Mundo.

To assume that you have instalado el entorno de desarrollo Azúcar.

Create the structure of directorys of the package:

mkdir HolaMundo.activity
mkdir HolaMundo.activity/activity

Write the archive, to describe the package in the sub-directory of the activity (for example, HolaMundo.activity/activity/ instructions of the Paquetes de Actividad explain in detail the mean of each sphere.

 name = HolaMundo
 service_name = com.ywwg.HelloWorldActivity
 class = ActividadHolaMundo.ActividadHolaMundo
 icon = actividad-holamundo
 activity_version = 1
 show_launcher = yes

Design an icon for you activity,in accordance with the formato del icono and you put in the sub-directory "activity".The name of archive must coincide with the name written in the archive .info (for example, actividad-holamundo.svg)

 File: actividad-holamundo.svg
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" [
        <!ENTITY fill_color "#FFFFFF">
        <!ENTITY stroke_color "#FF0000">
<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="50">
<rect x="1" y="1" width="48" height="48" style="fill:&fill_color;;stroke:&stroke_color;;stroke-width:2"/>

Write the script in the directory of higher level (for example, HolaMundo.activity/, that in the majority of the cases will see like this:

 from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder

Check your activity.The name that you have written in the archive .info as "class" is the name of the class that make the code. To the archive previous, we especificed a module of high level ActividadHolaMundo.ActividadHolaMundo (please, remember the use of capital letters in the names of modules in Python is a poor style , you are free of use the name of an activity with more style of standard names).

from sugar.activity import activity
import logging

import sys, os
import gtk

class ActividadHolaMundo(activity.Activity):
    def hola(self, widget, data=None):'Hola Mundo')

    def __init__(self, handle):
        print "ejecutando actividad init", handle
        activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
        print "ejecutando actividad"

        self.set_title('Hola Mundo')

        # Create the toolbox .That contain the toolbar of the  
        # Activity,that is the bar appear in each window of the sugar and contain
        # essentials functions, as the buttons  'Compartir con:' and 'Parar'.
        toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)

        # Create a new button with the name "Hola Mundo".
        self.button = gtk.Button("Hola Mundo")
        # When the button receive the sign of "clicked", will call the function hello()
        # passing to "None" as argument.The function hello() is defined in 
        # lines more above.
        self.button.connect("clicked", self.hola, None)
        # Fix the button to be our linen. The linen is the main section  
        # of every sugar window. Cover all the area under  
        # the toolbox.
        #Finally you must show this new creation of widgets.
        print "AL FINAL DE LA CLASE"

Create a MANIFEST (for example, HolaMundo.activity/MANIFEST),that contain the list of the archives include in the package . (Note: Make sure of not leave lines in white in the final of the archive.)


The structure of the directory now must see as:


Install your package to the develop

./ dev

(This create a symbolic link in ~/Activities).

If now ahora perform the sugar, the icon of the activity must be visible in the frame. (Reboot the sugrar to see he change . Press Ctrl-Alt-delelte.)