OLPCorps Africa notice

Revision as of 21:59, 26 February 2009 by (talk) (updated version)
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The One Laptop Per Child Foundation [1] is working on a grant program for
Africa, called "OLPCorps Africa", first proposed by a group of students who worked
on two small deployments in South Africa and Sierra Leone over the past year.  
A draft of the grant guidelines is available [2].  In the current draft, the 
program provides funds for students' stipends and education-oriented laptops.  
Small teams of students will be responsible for initiating deployments in  Africa 
during May-September of 2009, and reporting the results, compensated by a US$10,000 

Paul Commons and Bryan Stuart from Indiana University, and David Sengeh from 
Harvard University, have lead the current proposal development.

Please contribute your ideas and comments:

1. OLPC is seeking comments on the grant guidelines themselves [3].  This
is a great opportunity for anyone in your group who is interested in primary 
and secondary education in Africa to shape the grant process.

2. If the program proceeds according to the current draft, all university
students, undergraduate or graduate, anywhere in the world, will be
eligible (including any at your institution).  However, OLPC would like to expand 
its contact list with educational groups in Africa.  Do you have a list of e-mail 
addresses or other contacts for computing and education departments around the 
world?  OLPC aims to ensure that students in as many countries as possible are 
made aware of the program.

Thank you.

[1] http://laptop.org/en/vision/mission/index.shtml
[2] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPCorps_Africa
[3] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPCorps_Africa_notice