OLPCorps Wesleyan Kenya

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CBO is a village initiative program that was founded by Samuel Maritim, Josiah Tarus, Dr Peter Cheboss Jr and Symon Kibitok in 2007. It is concerned mainly with raising the living standards of the four villages of Kiptenden, Tulon, Kapchepsir and Kona mainly through creating awareness about important social issues like education, HIV and Malaria prevention. The organization has been partnering with college students from Baraton University under the leadership of Josiah Tarus and Josiah Letting ([1]), and

Moi University under leadership of Peter Cheboss and Symon Kibitok. 

The organization has also recently partnered with Kapsabet Christian Intermidiate Technology Center CITC to seek to provide cheap and safe sources of energy. CBO also hopes to tap into the ICT technology and human resource from CITC to train villagers and school Children on how to operate and use computers. ([2][3])

The groups also intends has written to the Constituency Development Fund in Emgwen Constituency to request for funding to keep the project Running, but it is yet to receive the funds.


We have also requested a grant from Wesleyan University grant office to help in future sustenance of the program. [http://www.wesleyan.edu/crc/students/grants/wuseg/index.html ]


NAME SCHOOL EMAIL Samuel Maritim (Contact Person) - Wesleyan University - smaritim@wesleyan.edu.

Job Ogutu - Wesleyan University

William Ndugire - Wesleyan University

Josiah Tarus - Baraton University

Dr Peter Cheboss Jr - Moi University

Symon M. Kibitok - Moi University

Josiah Letting - Baraton University

              PROJECT PROPOSAL:

Kiptenden Primary is located in Kiptenden Village, Nandi district, Rift Valley Kenya. The Village is considered one of the poorest and least educated areas in the country, with most of the villagers having dropped out of school before completing High school education. Only 5/1000 people have made it to University, one of whom graduated last year, and is part of our team. Kiptenden Primary School, is severely understaffed, has acute shortage of books and other educational supplies and the children are always under immense social, and financial pressure to drop out of school. To say that we understand the problems facing education in most village schools would be a gross understatement since two of our members grew up, and have family and siblings in Kiptenden. The Cheboss organization (our team) is strongly convinced that children are important agents in society. The big question, then, is, “what sort of agents are they?” Do we let our children drop out of school, join drug dens, consume illicit brews, engage in dangerous sexual misadventures in this age of HIV/AIDS and perish, or do we groom them up, provide them with solid foundation that will propel them into greater heights of prosperity? We believe the traditional set-up where power, status and wisdom is associated with old age, where “children are to be seen not to be heard” is wrong, ill-conceived, and oppressive to children. We believe that society’s progress (or lack thereof), is a direct result and reflection of how we treat our children. With help from Baraton University Outreach Program and the Christian Intermediate Technology Center (CITC), we have been deeply involved with children emancipation programs in villages, ranging from volunteer teaching during college recess, mentoring, distributing books and mosquito nets to ensure they stay in good health and fundraising for those who proceed to high school and OLPC program’s help, we will be able to raise the Children’s standards. Children are always eager to learn and help others, often play important roles in households whereby older ones take care of their younger siblings, and since children often communicate and share more than adults, they are better positioned to pass on their knowledge from school to their families and thus influence the greater community. Moreover whatever children learn is more likely to be applied during the rest of their lives. Since children are our parents and grandparents in the making, they are important agents of change and thus the OLPC program is able to reach youth, society and future generations. Our society’s ultimate agent of change is the Child Brain Power! We believe that allowing children to work together with their peers will show them that they are themselves a source of knowledge: and besides having free access to networked computers will provide them with unlimited source of access to knowledge and helpers. With the programs in the XO laptops, children’s future couldn’t have looked any brighter. We believe that just like living a language is the best way to learn it, living math, English, Science, geography or history is the best way for children to learn them. The XO laptops will allow children to live their education. They can always work at their own pace, play around with the programs, look up more info online, access online books that would’ve otherwise been unavailable to them, they can write and share their live stories, ideas, and questions with their peers worldwide, and most important to children, they can play and have fun commensurate with the age without endangering their lives jumping off heights, fighting or other dangerous activities. Just as in adults, ownership is a very important aspect to children. Since they will own their laptops projects, they’ll get enough time to build personal relationship with their project, discover, and learn to research and use programs not it because it’s computer time, or because it’s a Tuesday, or because the teacher said so, but because they are intrigued, and want to! Looks like life and education just got more FUN!! All the laptops will be delivered and stored at Baraton University. They will also provide us with human resource and support as needed. We have also applied for funding from Wesleyan University grants, the constituency development fund, and will fundraise regularly. We also plan to use ten of the computers in a village cyber where we’ll charge non-students. Three of us have certificates in ICT, a degree in computer science, a CPA, in addition to the degrees we’re pursuing. Training sessions will be held after classes end from 3-6pm, and on weekends and full-time in April, August and December holidays.