Tests/Activity/Write/Edit Functions

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Test case: Short name::Write - Edit Functionality
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Activity Sub-category Test subcategory::Write
Component System component::Edit
Feature System feature::
Objective Test objective::Basic functionality test of Edit functions in combination with Text functions
Tools Test tools::
Setup Test setup::
Procedure [[Test procedure::Previous action is complement of next action. e.g. copy then paste, bold then unbold, e.t.c.
  1. Keyboard, Initial, Italic
  2. Keyboard, Initial, Underline
  3. Keyboard, Initial, Bold
  4. Enter two lines of text through keyboard. Reference these from below.
  5. Menu, Prv. Action, Undo
  6. Keyboard, Prv. Action, Redo
  7. Menu, Prv. Action, Copy
  8. Highlight text “For the 2004 competition”
  9. ---, Text Highlighted, Copy
  10. Move cursor to end of document
  11. ---, Prv. Action, Paste
  12. Menu, Prv. Action, Bold
  13. Menu, Prv. Action, Italic
  14. Menu, Prv. Action, Underline
  15. Highlight text “Canada replaced China”
  16. Keyboard, Text Highlighted, Undo
  17. ---, Text Highlighted, Redo
  18. Highlight text “In May of that year Japan won”
  19. Menu, Text Highlighted, Paste
  20. Highlight text “Super Powers Cup in Tokyo“
  21. ---, Text Highlighted, Bold
  22. ---, Text Highlighted, Italic
  23. ---, Text Highlighted, Underline]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::Confirm each step individually:
  1. Italics Enabled
  2. Underline Enabled
  3. Bold Enabled
  4. n/a
  5. What was typed last is undone
  6. Undo is undone
  7. Option disabled
  8. n/a
  9. Text added to clipboard
  10. n/a
  11. Copied text is pasted
  12. Bold is disabled
  13. Italics is disabled
  14. Underline is disabled
  15. n/a
  16. Underline is undone
  17. Underline is redone
  18. n/a
  19. Copied text replaces highlighted text
  20. n/a
  21. Text becomes not bold
  22. Text becomes not italics
  23. Text becomes not underlined]]
Comments More notes::Work in progress
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test