SFSU Lending Library

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San Francisco State University would like to help OLPC by starting a lending library at the main campus. The purpose would be to help increase awareness of OLPC’s goals by letting faculty, staff and students borrow the XO computers.

The project would allow students the opportunity to use their diverse backgrounds and experience to develop hardware and software for the XO. Students from many of the departments, such as Engineering, Computer Science, History and Art could be inspired to contribute to OLPC’s goals once they are familiar with the project. Open source software would be used to track lending of the laptops, as well the inspiring ideas students may have.

To achieve the stated objectives, the project would be coordinated with faculty from other departments, to inform students of the existence of opportunities. The project leader is Professor Sameer Verma. At the beginning of the semesters, volunteers from the Business College would present a short speech to other students about the project to collect contact information from interested students. The interested parties would then be able to borrow the XO laptops to learn more about its capabilities and potential.