Contributors program/June 19, 2009

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  * New Libraries!
  * Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring?!
  * Fast Review of the 6 (was 5) latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals:
    #1 Booming Bang Game - Jaipur, INDIA
    #2 Enfants pour l'Éducation (Kids for Education) - Montreal, CANADA


<Caryl> now or later? <CanoeBerry> Now!

  • felixtrepanier has joined #olpc-meeting
  • daveb has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Ciao! <Caryl> unhPPY

  • nteon Quit ("Leaving")

<CanoeBerry> Any library news out there? <CanoeBerry> What's the problem Caryl? <mafe> Caryl: why unhappy? <Caryl> Don't want to leave chat to set up nick <CanoeBerry> Set up what nick? <CanoeBerry> What do you need Caryl? <CanoeBerry> Let's start within 2 min, ok? <Caryl> the one it asks for at the top of the page...permanent one

  • walterbender has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Hmmm.. not sure what you need Caryl but you can always type: /nick BeautifulMontana <CanoeBerry> Let's start in 1 min.. <CanoeBerry> And my apologies the several European library proposals are delayed til next week's mtg. <CanoeBerry> OK, if there's no immediate library news, let's review Project #1:

[ PROJECT #1 : Booming Bang Game - Jaipur, INDIA ]

<CanoeBerry> Booming Bang Game - Jaipur, INDIA <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XO's for 12-18 months <Caryl> Library news will be coming soon maybe today <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: (warning, long paste coming!!) <CanoeBerry> - The Booming Bang is a Funny game developed for Children of age <CanoeBerry> group 6-18. It is a fun based game and as needs logical thinking <CanoeBerry> time to time, I think it'll help children develop their skills. <CanoeBerry> - This project will include logical thinking and creativity, to <CanoeBerry> allow children be more creative and think reasonable. <CanoeBerry> - Under this project, Full Warranty of Project material will be <CanoeBerry> taken by our team, We will replace any defected edition and check <CanoeBerry> for future errors. <CanoeBerry> - Overall, Our team likes to contribute something to OLPC team and <CanoeBerry> we will be happy if we will be able make more children happy. <CanoeBerry> Anybody that needs full access to & personal references on proposals therein let me know. <walterbender> prtety impossible to tell from the site what it is they want to do <walterbender> I <CanoeBerry> Note applicant above is a SW developer & support reference..

  • _sj_ has joined #olpc-meeting

<Caryl> "soul?" is this a religious organization? <CanoeBerry> Appicant intends to developer an "All-In-One" fun/games-oriented suite later.. <mafe> yup...if this is something like a DS lite interface ...then I can figure out what they would want to do <walterbender> I would recommend that they do something in an emulator first... and then reapply <CanoeBerry> Applicant says he's focusing on "improve the kids' logical,mental,reasoning <CanoeBerry> and mental level" <CanoeBerry> walterbender: we can do a 2-tracked approach, with emulation, SoaS and XO's <CanoeBerry> we are more generous than in times past :) <CanoeBerry> If the proposal seem serious -- opinions from others? <mafe> We can ask them to be specific on what they would want to do ...2 XO's is not bad request after all <walterbender> I don't see it as a matter of generosity... there is nothing in the proposal to react to... it tells us nothing <Caryl> they don't specifically mention Sugar. <Caryl> Some good things have come out of India <CanoeBerry> True: could use much more detail. <mafe> the foodforce game <walterbender> any detail would be more detail

  • mtd agrees that I have no idea what they're trying to do.

<CanoeBerry> They clearly take Sameer's credo to heart :) "Overall.. Basic Motto is :: Develope it and Pass it on!!!" <walterbender> what is "it" is the question... <CanoeBerry> OK, so let's ask them for more beef (or whatever the Indian equivalent) and then offer them machines conditionally on a more descriptive proposal. <Caryl> Is the program already up and running on other systems? <CanoeBerry> not at all clear. <CanoeBerry> Any other opinions here? <walterbender> if it were, then ask for some screen shots <Caryl> chicken? <mafe> Caryl: :) more than chicken? <Caryl> Screen shots would be nice. Also if we could run it on another OS it would be nice, <CanoeBerry> Move on to Prjct #2 now? <CanoeBerry> Final opinions on Booming Bang by Abhishek Indoria and Navdeep Singh in India? <Caryl> How do we know it isn't an Indian version of GTA? <mtd> -0 to the proposal <Caryl> Let's ask for more info. <CanoeBerry> OK, Project #1 "Revising" <CanoeBerry> Onto Prjct #2 now.. <mafe> ask for more details and if they send some in a week then we give themm twhat they're requesting <Caryl> +1 to revisign

[ PROJECT #2 : Enfants pour l'Éducation (Kids for Education) - Montreal, CANADA ]

<CanoeBerry> Enfants pour l'Éducation (Kids for Education) - Montreal, CANADA <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Requests 10 XO's for 12 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Nokia Software Engineer & UNICEF Quebec Manager would work together <CanoeBerry> to give the opportunity to a group of children from one of Montreal's <CanoeBerry> underprivileged neighbourhood to participate in building a brighter <CanoeBerry> future by: <CanoeBerry> - learning about the state of children education worldwide <CanoeBerry> - experimenting with technologies developed to increase education <CanoeBerry> accessibility in poor countries (e.g. XO laptops) <CanoeBerry> - envisioning possible solutions to the problem of universal access <CanoeBerry> to primary education <CanoeBerry> - sharing their thoughts and findings using the new social media <CanoeBerry> (blog, social networks) <mafe> on prj we have XO libraries or grassroots that they can work to? <CanoeBerry> Full Proposal in PDF here, for those with RT access: <CanoeBerry> <mafe> I'm interested to have some programs coming in on partnership and exploration like this... <Caryl> Yes. The Audubon MS project has a local ngo FAMILI <CanoeBerry> felixtrepanier: do you want to introduce your project here? <felixtrepanier> yes... <CanoeBerry> The school is being chosen right now? <CanoeBerry> For a July 2009 start, over 6 months? <felixtrepanier> yes...we are meeting them next week <felixtrepanier> we plan 6 months for now <CanoeBerry> So the school has almost been finalized? <felixtrepanier> yes <CanoeBerry> Got it. <CanoeBerry> Ca parle francais? <Caryl> non <felixtrepanier> oui! <Caryl> oh, you mean the kids <felixtrepanier> so basically, the XO would be use as a tool by the children to reflect on the universal access to primary education <Caryl> why only 6 mos? <felixtrepanier> the kids speak french as well <CanoeBerry> (Yeah, FYI Caryl is a teacher here who might be able to help provide you with Sugar learning tips..) <felixtrepanier> good question <felixtrepanier> we planned for a year, but since it will require commitments from children, we do not want to ask to much to soon <felixtrepanier> we want to see how that can work <Caryl> you could always move on to a different school if needed. I <CanoeBerry> felix: what are your plans for organizing social media so that it is directly sharable with other kids/classrooms elsewhere in the world? <felixtrepanier> hopefully, it is going to be amazing and we would extend it for the second half of the school year <Caryl> Either way you can work out the "kinks" and make a better project if you have more time to do it. <mafe> that's interesting <felixtrepanier> my understanding is that by using the XO, you are connected to other XO user no? <felixtrepanier> excatly <mafe> Felix: yes the mesh network... <felixtrepanier> so by publishing the children's work on the web <CanoeBerry> felix: don't rely on the mesh for critical applications <felixtrepanier> an by connecting these children to the XO network, I hope to foster great collaboration <felixtrepanier> I won't <Caryl> very safe and minitored by teachers <CanoeBerry> the mesh is not 100% reliable as the XO count rises.. <mafe> I think it's more on activity implementation right Felix? <felixtrepanier> yes <CanoeBerry> felix: have you considered or heard about Uruguay's edublog ? <Caryl> Oops...lost part of my Post...thru the browser and ePals they can connect internationally <mafe> on mesh network collaboration <Caryl> it is moderated by teachers and very safe <felixtrepanier> no I didn't hear about it, but I take note! <CanoeBerry> We can put you in touch with the people behind if you involve teachers in a wider sphere etc.. <Caryl> ePals doesn't require XOs but they will work quite well with it <felixtrepanier> excellent <Caryl> <CanoeBerry> felix: we often start with 2 XO's to give groups like yours the feel <felixtrepanier> ok <CanoeBerry> And then 10 later if you have a rigorous proposal of how your effort will contribute to Sugar Learning Platform and/or OLPC <felixtrepanier> ok <CanoeBerry> That would be my suggestion. Caryl, mafe & others may have other suggestion for you right now however? <felixtrepanier> the plan is to start with 20 children in September <felixtrepanier> i'm not sure if 2 XO would be enough <felixtrepanier> but i understand the process

  • jamaa21 has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> I meant 2 XO's next week, and 8 later this summer if you solidfy your plans.

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<felixtrepanier> ah!

  • jamaa21 Quit (Client Quit)

<felixtrepanier> that would be excellent! <CanoeBerry> My recommendation anyway. Others opinions? <Caryl> that should give you a chance to see what you can actually do with the machines <felixtrepanier> yes, that would be perfect! <felixtrepanier> we need to plan the workshop, so that will be helpful <Caryl> +1 to 2 now with 8 to follow in time for Sept. Would like to see a longer project committment though <mafe> I think that ok..and I'll be interested to work wiith Felix on this <felixtrepanier> great! <Caryl> I'm pretty far away, but would love to work with you and Mafe <felixtrepanier> awesome! <mafe> @caryl awesome! <CanoeBerry> And if you can directly contribute any software (eg. ) or prove classroom techniques that will help others by writing them up etc, we'd love it :) <felixtrepanier> ;) <Caryl> And send pictures! <felixtrepanier> for sure! <CanoeBerry> :) <mafe> of course pictures and videos are great right caryl? <mafe> :) <CanoeBerry> Concurring/Dissenting voices? <Caryl> yes pics and videos! <CanoeBerry> OK: Enfants pour l'Éducation approved for 2 XO Laptops to ship out next week. <mafe> hey caryl let's talk offline about setting up the pics and video web place <felixtrepanier> great! thanks! <CanoeBerry> Thanks all for today's meeting! Laptop-leding Library or XO-1.5 news anybody? <mafe> great... <Caryl> right. I'm hoping to get some from Jamaal's project at Audubon MS soon <Caryl> Jamaal was on for a moment earlier but we lost him <CanoeBerry> Plz all remember to tell your hardware-hacker friends to apply for XO-1.5 alpha boards now, as they may be ready to ship in early July....THX <mafe> question: do we have an LA lending library Caryl?

  • daveb has left #olpc-meeting

<Caryl> he should have some news today. We are all very excited! <Caryl> yes... CUE LA is setting up one that is from donated XOs from a businessman in SoCal <mafe> Canoeberry: where they should apply for this XO-1.5 boards?

  • felixtrepanier Quit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")

<Caryl> And Jamaal's project at Audubon middle school will have a student run one for their after cchool program <Caryl> CUELA's will be for teachers in SoCal <mafe> Caryl: oic ...i'm replying to one RT ticket <Caryl> none for general public yet <mafe> Caryl: ok thanks... <Caryl> Mafe: do you want to talk by phone? I can email you my number <mafe> Caryl : yes plz

  • jamaa21 has joined #olpc-meeting

<Caryl> oops...looks like I don't have your email <Caryl> hi jamaal! any news yet <mafe> Caryl: I'll send you an can call me <Caryl> mafe: great <Caryl> do you have Verizon? <mafe> nope... <Caryl> too bad. My dime I guess <mafe> caryl: you want to use skype? <jamaa21> hi caryl <Caryl> haven't done that yet. Learning curve too much right now. I'm working on Elluminate. We could meet in my "virtual room" Haven't tried it yet but need to <mafe> Caryl: I sent my num in your email using your email <jamaa21> just catching up <Caryl> Hi Jamaal did they arrive yet? <jamaa21> no word... <jamaa21> will check <Caryl> We could ckeck the tracking # and see where they are <jamaa21> yes <Caryl> mafe: give me a little time to try it here at home and I will send you an invite to my Virtual room if I can figure it out <mafe> Caryl: great I havent tried that one yet..always great to try new things..:) <Caryl> I need to eat lunch now, but will keep the chat open and check it from time to time in case there is anything else.