Contributors program/September 4, 2009

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   * New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

   * Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring?!

   * Fast Review of the 2 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
     join us advocating for and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

     #1 Ambulant (W3C Smile 3.0 implementation) - Netherlands
     #2 South Tyrol Lending Library - Italy
     #3 Palaver Project - Liberia; Texas, USA
     #4 Aura OS, STS SpreadSheet, LittleJect File Compressor - India
     #5 OLOGO (OLPC Logo), Education game(s), Photo Editing - New York, USA


<CanoeBerry> Contributors Program Meeting will start here in ~10min!
* dirakx is here. 
<CanoeBerry> hi!
<dirakx> CanoeBerry: hi.
<CanoeBerry> ~10min delay, coming soon!
<dirakx> CanoeBerry: after the meeting can we talk about the math tutoring project. i'm not getting it's actual status.
<dirakx> getting/understanding
* mvn071  has joined #olpc-meeting
* aa  has joined #olpc-meeting
* mafe`  has joined #olpc-meeting
* mafe`  Quit (Client Quit)
* mafe  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> finally!
* ohshima  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Sorry for the delay; 5-project agenda in your inbox (Netherlands, Italy, India, Liberia, USA)
<CanoeBerry> Agenda here:
<CanoeBerry> Let's start in 2min please.
* bemasc  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Welcome.
<CanoeBerry> Let me recruit more jurors on other channels. Back in 1 min.
<CanoeBerry> Let's do it, who's here to help look over and/or mentor these 5 projects quick?
* bemasc 
<CanoeBerry> Plz introduce yourself informally.
<CanoeBerry> Anybody, real names not required :)
<CanoeBerry> mafe?
<mafe> mafe from PH/NJ
<CanoeBerry> Great, let's start, others will join en route.

[ PROJECT #1 : Ambulant (W3C Smile 3.0 implementation) - Netherlands ]

<CanoeBerry> Project #1:
<CanoeBerry> Ambulant (W3C Smile 3.0 implementation) - Netherlands
<CanoeBerry>    (project needs to provide public URL!)
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 2 XO-1's and 1 XO-1.5 over 12+ months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    The goal is to be able to verify that the Ambulant software incorporated
<CanoeBerry>    in the Smile activity operates properly on the XO with Sugar and to
<CanoeBerry>    reproduce reported problems.
<CanoeBerry> Coached by Tony of Nepal..
<CanoeBerry> All plz review above project, with any comments/opinions, fire away please :)
<mafe> this will definitely be a hit to filipino kids
<dirakx> still lacks the public url-- see more work.
<mafe> and kids as a whole who are into music
<CanoeBerry> Newcomers: if you need access to full projects proposals write holt @ laptop . org and OLPC's privacy policy will be explained quickly.
<bemasc> SMIL is not really much about music...
<CanoeBerry> dirakx: agreed
* ttuttle  has joined #olpc-meeting
* bzg  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> welcome bzg/ttuttle
<CanoeBerry> We're wrapping up Project #1 if you can help..
<bemasc> I don't see any need for a 1.5
<bemasc> Their logic does not make much sense.
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: can you explain why they won't benefit from XO-1.5?
<bzg> (Hi all, just joining)
<bemasc> Other than that, it's a worthy project, and a physical XO is valuable to ensure that the animations perform reasonably.
* fcr  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> fcr: welcome. Plz introduce yourself.
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: "we ask for one XO 1.5 because machines of different type
<bemasc> may reveal different problems when used in practice"
<mafe> and it's worth to try...
<CanoeBerry> Let's conclude Prjct #1 now.
<mvn071> why not let them lent XO from me
<mvn071> ?
<CanoeBerry> mvn071: great!
<mvn071> I am 30 min away from amsterdam
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: The XO-1.5 is tremendously unlikely to have any problems with software that runs on the XO-1.  There's not enough difference.
<mafe> +1
<CanoeBerry> mvn071: can you contact them and/or co-mentor?
<CanoeBerry> Let's wrap up now: plz all vote.
<bzg> maybe comparing the speed and the user experience is worth?
<mvn071> I not much into mentoring
<bemasc> Well, I don't know what the criteria are at this point.
<CanoeBerry> We have extra XO-1.5's to give away to worthy development.
<CanoeBerry> We = OLPC
<dirakx> i'd say we need to see more work..;)
<CanoeBerry> I vote for provisional approval with 2 comentors.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<bemasc> I have no objections.  Just noting that they don'
<bemasc> t have much need/use for a 1.5 specifically.
<bzg> (I'm late on this project so I won't vote)
<bemasc> (I'm inclined to push people to make stuff run on the XO-1, so that it runs _fast_ on 1.5.)
<CanoeBerry> Verdict: PROVISIONAL APPROVAL if they post a public URL and worth with 2 mentors like Tony & mvn071.
<mafe> bemasc: i thought you don't agree much on the project..:)
<CanoeBerry> *i meant "work" above not "worth"

[ PROJECT #2 : South Tyrol Lending Library - Italy ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 now:
<CanoeBerry> South Tyrol Lending Library - Italy
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 10 XO-1's over 12 months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>     * Helping Italian speaking schools from a sugar soas environment to
<CanoeBerry>       a XO/Sugar one
<CanoeBerry>     * Italian schools are already using Sugar in thier Linux computer
<CanoeBerry>       classrooms in some cases, the logical next step is to convince
<CanoeBerry>       teachers to experiment with XOs.
<CanoeBerry>     * Translating the manual to Italian language
<CanoeBerry> *i meant "work" above not "worth"
<CanoeBerry> Libraries approved by default if they aren't criminal... is Dogi criminal? ;)
<mafe> I think having an italian manual and activity will be nice to share to kids around who would like to learn italian
<CanoeBerry> +1
<dirakx> they have a good thing going on italy..i guess is a +1 for me.
<bzg> I can't access w.l.o right now...
<bemasc> +1, if only to make sure there are lots of XOs at the next sugarcamp.
<CanoeBerry> Let's ask cjb if wiki.l.o ran out of inodes again..
<dirakx> bemasc: +1
<dirakx> bzg: right it's not loadinf
<dirakx> g.
<aa> and only XO-1s if possible ;)
<aa> (hi!)
<CanoeBerry> aa: hi!
<dirakx> aa: hi!
<CanoeBerry> Final Objections / Suggested Improvements for Prjct #2?
<CanoeBerry> Shipping address lacks a phone number, but other than that.. APPROVED
<bemasc> Activity translations
<mafe> +1 as I want to see more italian activities

[ PROJECT #3 : Palaver Project - Liberia; Texas, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Prjct #3:
<CanoeBerry> Palaver Project - Liberia  
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 2 XO's over 6+ months
<CanoeBerry>    Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    Objective 1: To gather interest in the community by teachers, parents 
<CanoeBerry> and students in having laptops as learning tools.
<CanoeBerry>    Objective 2: To have a laptop for each student and teacher at 
<CanoeBerry> Virginia Christian Academy in the Lower Virginia community in Liberia. 
<CanoeBerry> There are approximately 150 students.
<CanoeBerry>    Objective 3: To increase literacy in the community by having ebooks 
<CanoeBerry> available for the children and their families to practice and enjoy. 
<CanoeBerry> Liberia has only a 40% literacy rate. 
<CanoeBerry>    Objective 4: To break down tribal barriers and create an atmosphere 
<CanoeBerry> of collaboration through the use of technology and a network.
<bzg> What age the students?
<mafe> this is very promising for a 25 XO  small depolyment
<bemasc> What are they going to do with 2 XO's?
<CanoeBerry> Project needs a live URL and a real (non PO Box) shipping address.
<CanoeBerry> Project seriously needs a mentor to integrate alongside/within the OLPC/Sugar community.
<CanoeBerry> Verdicts?
<mafe> bemasc: they'll probably maximize the use of it thru demo and presentation
<CanoeBerry> Anybody willing to coach them a bit?
<bemasc> The purpose of the 2 XOs seems to be as samples to try to convince people to buy in for a real deployment.
<bzg> How did they know about OLPC?
<bzg> (Maybe that's a question we should ask to any project proposal?)
<dirakx> they need a coach.
<mafe> bemasc: right
<mafe> I can coach them ...
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: It would be great if there were some way for them to buy 150 XOs, if they somehow found the money for it...
<CanoeBerry> This may be possible, but they have a lot of learning to do first likely.
<CanoeBerry> mafe: thanks!  I love their email address "peacefulprince"
<mafe> bemasc: I don't think they have an issue on that...they are more concern on trying the xo and doing a demo
<CanoeBerry> Conclusion?
<bzg> May I ask some?
<bzg> What is the "cost" of lending a laptop for this project?
<bemasc> Worthy cause.  No proposal to contribute. No path forward in the event of success.
<mafe> and they're not asking for 150 xo
<bzg> If the cost is 0, I'd vote for +1 for this project...
<mafe> bemasc: i guess on the result it's more on..end user
<CanoeBerry> bzg: cost to OLPC of shipping?  Very little.
* dogi  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> Particularly as OLPC's warehouse is in Texas just like this applicant.
<mafe> we need to understand here also that without users the software will be nothing
<bzg> Okay.  But are there any limitation in the quantity allowed per month for Contributor Program?
<dogi> hi all
<CanoeBerry> bzg: no hard limits. soft limit is 10 XO's per project, unless the project is *stellar*
<bzg> mhh...
<mafe> so project proposal like this ....make sense to me...since it increase actual users of xo...
<dirakx> +1 for me then
<CanoeBerry> Let's wrap up Liberia/Texas verdict.
<bzg> Depends on what you call "actual users"
<mafe> bzg: what you mean?
<bemasc> Giving XOs to potential buyers in developing countries is necessary in order to generate orders for XOs.
<bzg> I mean, we don't know the people asking for the XOs
<mafe> so mentor on this project plays a big role ...on getting feedback and giving it back to the sugar developer...
<bzg> do we have a mentor for this?
<bzg> are they potential buyers?
<CanoeBerry> bzg: correct, and we haven't always had success from religious ministries. we need to do better here. who will mentor?
<mafe> I can help...but we need a co-mentor on this
<bzg> I decline, Texas is too far from Paris :)
<bemasc> bzg: Liberia, not Texas.
<bemasc> oh!
<bemasc> They want them in Texas to try to raise funds for Liberia?
<CanoeBerry> The Ministry is in TX, the project is in Monrovia, Liberia
<mafe> bzg: it's ok for an offline mentoring...
<mafe> bzg: no need to be physically near...:)
<CanoeBerry> Mentor needed for approval, who will help?
<mafe> bzg? :)
<mafe> bzg ...promise i'll help
<CanoeBerry> Or we can put this on hold until a mentor is found.
<CanoeBerry> Let's conclude.
<bemasc> ok
<bzg> I think that's the best option for now
<mafe> CanoeBerry: ok i'll take it...
<bemasc> They want it shipped to TX, and then they will fly to Liberia to try to build enthusiasm.
<bemasc> In the hope of placing a large order in the spring.
<mafe> bemasc: yes
<bzg> shouldn't be too hard to find a mentor for a girl:
<CanoeBerry> mafe: thank you. and a special thank you to mafe for her persistent multimonth mentoring of many other projects -- your monthly callouts to project leaders are key!
<CanoeBerry> bzg: tsk tsk
<mafe> bzg: want to co- mentor this?
<CanoeBerry> bzg: then you would have 2 women to work with.
<bzg> :)
* Caryl  has joined #olpc-meeting
<mafe> lucky...;)
<mafe> hi Caryl...
<CanoeBerry> Conclusion: Liberia/Texas APPROVED, with a co-mentor to help mafe requested.
<Caryl> hi

[ PROJECT #4 : Aura OS, STS SpreadSheet, LittleJect File Compressor -- India ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto PRoject #4 now:
<CanoeBerry> Aura OS, STS SpreadSheet, LittleJect File Compressor -- India
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 2 XO 1.5's over 24+ months
<CanoeBerry> Objective coming (VERY long!!)
<CanoeBerry> In 3 parts...
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    PHOENIX AURA:
<CanoeBerry>    Aura is an open source operating system which is based on OpenSuSE
<CanoeBerry>    11.1 platform. Some members of Phoenix Team had recently proposed that
<CanoeBerry>    it would be nice if we can work our way towards running Aura in XO and
<CanoeBerry>    XO-1.5 netbooks. We are currently designing this project in 2 sub
<CanoeBerry>    streams:
<CanoeBerry>    -BASE PROJECT -- which is intentionally designed for low power
<CanoeBerry>     machines, like old Intel P3 or Celeron which will install well inside
<CanoeBerry>     the limit of 700 MiB. The XO is a good target for this type of stream.
<CanoeBerry>    -Phoenix Aura-X -- Normal, full functional operating system designed
<CanoeBerry>     specifically for home or developers' usage.
<CanoeBerry>    Phoenix Aura will be:
<CanoeBerry>    = Free of Charge, including every release
<CanoeBerry>    = Open to modify its design and kernel
<CanoeBerry>    = We are thinking to ship Aura free to every country for only shipping
<CanoeBerry>      and handeling charges.
<CanoeBerry>    OBJECTIVES:
<CanoeBerry>    =To provide free, interactive and full functional OS to youth.
<CanoeBerry>    =Provide operating system for developer schools in India,,,(Some
<CanoeBerry>     developers working for schools)
<CanoeBerry>    =To increase the potential of FOSS.
<CanoeBerry> Part 2:
<CanoeBerry> Spread-The-Sheet
<CanoeBerry>    Spread-The-Sheet or STS is open source SpreadSheet program similar to
<CanoeBerry>    Microsoft Office Excel or Calc... but it is simple and
<CanoeBerry>    interactive, allowing even children to use it.
<CanoeBerry>    STS is aimed clearly for children(or more specifically, youth) to use it.
<CanoeBerry> LittleJect
<CanoeBerry>    LittleJect is a codename of a project which Phoenix-Team is currently
<CanoeBerry>    developing in addition to BoomingBang(Codename Imperius)
<CanoeBerry>    It is a file compression utility which is aimed to compress higher
<CanoeBerry>    than 70%. We are in early development phase of this project which has
<CanoeBerry>    just started in August.
<mafe> ++1 to this project...
<mafe> but maybe the group can increase their team members to expedite the development...
<mafe> :)
<bzg> +1
<bzg> STS looks interesting
<bemasc> This project will fail.
<bemasc> -1
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: explain :)
<bemasc> I think my favorite part is "LittleJect".
<bemasc> The author proposes to write a new file compression utility.
<bzg> mabe I can put them in contact with Eric Bachard from OOo4Kids, to share the work on "simple spreadsheet for kids"
<bemasc> Improving file compression algorithms is, at this point, Ph.D. thesis work.
<CanoeBerry> The public web site needs work:
<mafe> bemasc: whay you say so...?
<bemasc> Moreover, I have had contact with the author, who does not have anything like the computer engineering experience required to pull off any of these tasks.
<CanoeBerry> is colorful and musical but freezes my browser, much as I appreciate the Canadian Natl Anthem ;)
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: the energetic project leader has a team working with him, perhaps we should meet them..
<bemasc> I am happy to encourage CS education.  No one starts off knowing how to do this stuff.
<CanoeBerry> time to decide: how shall we finalize?
<bemasc> The proposal, though, is basically silly.
<mafe> this is worth to try...
<mafe> im approving this project...
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: do any of the 3 have genuine potential?
<mafe> my say...
<bzg> Aura on the XO?
<bemasc> It seems we've already approved "boomingbang"
<Caryl> It is only 2 XOs
<bemasc> which is the same people.
<mafe> but give them mentor somebody from sugar dev...
<CanoeBerry> This team is certainly very freelance, but they have been helping OLPC service support emails!
<mafe> Caryl: yep...
<CanoeBerry> that's 1 vote in their favor; their genuine (even if inconsistent) followup is much appreciated!
<Caryl> Maybe if they find out their project is too ambitious for them they could be guided towards something they can do
<bemasc> I'd like to be clear here: did we already send these people XOs?
<mafe> Caryl: +1
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: yes
<bemasc> ok
<bemasc> to the best of my knowledge, they have demonstrated no progress with their curren XOs.
<Caryl> so how many do they already have?
<CanoeBerry> Here's their original pjct:
<Caryl> OIC they are looking for 1.5s
<bemasc> right
<CanoeBerry> 2 XO's received around late June.
<CanoeBerry> OK, enough!
<CanoeBerry> Conclusion?
<Caryl> -1 for now
<dirakx> -1 :(
<bzg> 0
<bemasc> I'd be willing to say that I think they're not just reselling them.
<mafe> +1 ( but we need to do a follow-up on their boome...project
<bemasc> They are genuinely interested in developing software.
<CanoeBerry> I feel bad b/c this team is really trying, and contributing in very unconvential ways.
<CanoeBerry> *unconventional
<bemasc> Genuine interest and desire might be good enough.
<CanoeBerry> Conclusion: ON HOLD
<bemasc> But in order to accomplish much, they're going to need some very serious hands-on mentoring.
<bemasc> Maybe we can find them an Indian mentor, who's at least in the same timezone.
<mafe> bemasc: project follow-up and updates ....
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: perfect advice.. please ask for a Mentor you know in India.
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: I can think of a few.
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: great.. plz add a Comment on ticket here:

[ PROJECT #5 : OLOGO (OLPC Logo), Education game(s), Photo Editing - New York, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Yes. Finally let's conclude our mtg with Project #5:
<bemasc> Maybe we can find them an Indian mentor, who's at least in the same timezone.
<CanoeBerry> OLOGO (OLPC Logo), Education game(s), Photo Editing - New York, USA
<CanoeBerry> (not active yet)
<CanoeBerry>    Requests 2 XO-1's and 2 XO-1.5's over 12 months
<CanoeBerry> Project Objectives:
<CanoeBerry>    The overall program objective is to enhance the OLPC and increase its
<CanoeBerry>    value to the end users as a fun and educational tool.
<CanoeBerry>    -The OLPC Logo program will allow the users to create graphics, and
<CanoeBerry>     also learn how to write small scripts that can produce spriograph type
<CanoeBerry>     images
<CanoeBerry>    -The educational game(s) will be decided during the project, but aim at
<CanoeBerry>     being addictive (ex. The incredible machine), and support learning as
<CanoeBerry>     well.
<CanoeBerry>    -The photo editing program is aimed to inspire the users by taking
<CanoeBerry>     photos from the internal camera, and allow quick modifications and
<CanoeBerry>     filters with an easy to use interface.
<mafe> bemasc: project follow-up and updates ....
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: perfect advice.. please ask for a Mentor you know in India.
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: I can think of a few.
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: great.. plz add a Comment on ticket here:
<mafe> I already made some comment on this...
<bzg> I don't understand if the Logo program is related to the Logo language or not.
<bemasc> +1 for #5
<CanoeBerry> +1
<bemasc> bzg: yes, it is.
<bzg> Or to the TurtleArt... or to anything else
<bzg> okay
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: are you interested in mentoring?
<bzg> Except for OLOGO, the project is a bit fuzzy to me
* ramoonas  has joined #olpc-meeting
<CanoeBerry> ramoonas: welcome Lithuania!
<bemasc> CanoeBerry: I would be happy to mentor this project.
<Caryl> I thought Logo meant actual "LOGO" in this case, not Turtle Art?
<CanoeBerry> Excellent.
<CanoeBerry> dsd & i will co-mentor.
<CanoeBerry> Objections?
<bemasc> Caryl: I believe you are right.  I suspect that they have not yet selected a "LOGO backend".
<CanoeBerry> dsd has been mentoring now for a week.
<bzg> what about the educational game and the photo editing program?
<bzg> anyone knows what it is about?
<bemasc> bzg: have you read the full proposal?
<CanoeBerry> Informational: the project leads here have been in private conversation with myself and dsd for a week now; their work (2 students, 2 professor/TA types) is potentially very promising.
<bemasc> They're proposing to create an unspecified educational game, and a "childlike" photo editor, perhaps in the mold of Kai's Power Goo.
<dirakx> k. +1.
<CanoeBerry> Last Call for objections/suggested improvements..........
<bemasc> The project proposal is a bit unformed, but I have confidence that it will come together, not least because they are being supervised and graded by their professors.
<Caryl> child-like or child-friendly?
* ramoonas  Quit (Remote closed the connection)
<mafe> Caryl: i hope it's child friendly...:)
<bemasc> Caryl: a subtle distinction, given that the software in question is still hypothetical.
<bzg> bemasc: doing this right now
<CanoeBerry> bemasc: They will need teacher input, as the project makes clear.
<CanoeBerry> But we can work on that in January, halfway thru their 9-month intensive project.
<CanoeBerry> Conclusion: APPROVED
<mafe> +1
<Caryl> +1


<CanoeBerry> Meeting Adjourned. Thanks All! Stick around with any closing comments please, and hope to see you in DC:
<CanoeBerry> (remote participation strongly welcomed next week!)
<Caryl> When will "M-stock" 1.5s start to be available?
<CanoeBerry> Caryl: Never if there is no Give1Get1 program.
<Caryl> It would be great to be able to add one to my Roadshow
<bzg> No way to get XO-1.5 for small projects then?
<Caryl> Some small domestic deployments may have some?
<CanoeBerry> bzg: XO-1.5's will be available to ship out in the last week of Sept.
* ttuttle would love a G1G1 XO-1.5...
<mafe> CanoeBerry: is ClassActs will be remotely be on
<CanoeBerry> Caryl was talking about returns of damaged merchandise (M for MASH/medicated machines)
<bzg> ok. Will they be available from the Contributor Program?
<Caryl> mangled
* ttuttle doesn't have time to help (school) but is willing to pay for two.
<Caryl> Some take more work than others
<CanoeBerry> bzg: for sure -- those are some of what we just approved (B2 "beta" XO-1.5's going out end of this month)
<bzg> ok, great
<CanoeBerry> Encourage legit contributors to pick one up.
* bzg  Quit ("CGI:IRC")
* bzg  has joined #olpc-meeting
<Caryl> will the 1.5 mesh with the 1.0?
<bzg> Thanks all.  I'll be there for the booksprint, but can only make it on sunday.  See you!
* dogi hopefully
* bzg  Quit (Client Quit)
<mafe> hey gtg...have a great weekend everyone...and Goodluck on the ClassActs participants...
<Caryl> I'd better get back to cleaning up for our house guests this weekend. See you all at the BookSprint
<mafe> Caryl: cool...can I come too...:))