OLPC New Zealand/LCA2010

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What is LCA2010 ?

LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software! The coming linux.conf.au, LCA2010, will be held at the Wellington Convention Centre in Wellington, New Zealand from Monday 18th January to Saturday 23rd January 2010. LCA2010 is fun, informal and seriously technical, bringing together Free and Open Source developers, users and community champions from around the world. LCA2010 is the second time linux.conf.au has been held in New Zealand, with the first being Dunedin in 2006.

For more information see: http://www.lca2010.org.nz/

File:LCA mascot.png EducationMiniconf LCA.jpg

What is a Mini Conf?

Miniconfs provide the opportunity of hosting 1-day mini-conferences on a variety of topics that run for 2 out of the 5 days during linux.conf.au.

We have been accepted to organise an Education miniconf.

Submit a talk: http://laptop.org.nz/node/add/miniconfsubmission


User:Tabitha Tabitha Roder, +64 21 482229, tabitha@hrdnz.com