OLPCorps Muskingum College Lesotho

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Draft Project Proposal, 2010 OLPCorps Africa

Two U.S. college students, a Lesotho Peace Corps Volunteer, a former Lesotho Peace Corps Volunteer, and a Mosotho primary school teacher have teamed up to distribute 100 XO laptops to children at Ha Nohana Primary School in Ketane, Lesotho, in June through August 2010.

Ketane is an extremely remote, rural community, accessible by road and small plane. Ha Nohana Primary School is not on an electrical grid, but the area does have wireless access to the internet via a cellphone company.

Andrew Dernovsek, PCV/Lesotho, has started a small computer school for adults in Ketane using Windows-based personal computers. He also set up a small solar power charging system for the computers. Earlier this year, two XO laptops from the Give One Get One program were donated to the primary school. Enthusiasm by staff and students about XO computers prompted a request to find a way to get more of the computers.

Currently, we are working to set up a nonprofit organization in the U.S.