For the general public
Applications for use in Sugar are called Activities. This page lists some activities that are commonly Preinstalled and describes how to find others you can install yourself. The name of an activity links to more information about it; if you're using an XO you can click its download link to install it.
For books, images, and other collections of browsable material, see our set of collections.
Installing one activity
See Activity installation to install groups of activities. To install an Activity: (only if you have an XO)
- start the Browse activity on your XO;
- go to this page in the browser;
- click on the link to an .xo bundle next to the word Download:
- When the download is complete, click "Show in Journal". (If you click "OK", you can continue browsing and finish the installation from the Journal later.)
- You'll be taken to detail view in the Journal.
- Click on "Start" to launch the Activity.
The Activity will start and be installed.
It will be included in the list mode of the Home view.
- (prior to release 8.2.0) scroll the taskbar in the Home view to the right (by clicking on the arrow
) until you see the icon for the activity; click on it to start. A detailed description with images is in "Install an activity" on the Browse activity's page.
Lists of Activities
Featured on 8.2
These activities are the ones that Software update in the Sugar Control Panel offers to install and update; they are pre-installed in most laptops running release 8.2.0 received through the 2008 Give One, Get One program.
There are many other activities known to work on release 8.2.0.
The activity versions below are the latest believed to work with release 8.2.0 (or more precisely, the 8.2 build stream).
For laptops running Release 8.1.0, see the earlier G1G1 activity pack. If your XO is not running the latest release 8.2.0 also known as build 767 (here's how to check), then you should consider upgrading to it; the details are in the 8.2.0 release notes.
Help: org.laptop.HelpActivity Documentation and Help for the XO
Download: Help (8.2) (v.10)
Browse: org.laptop.WebActivity Web browser based on xulrunner
Download: Browse (8.2) (v.102)
Read: org.laptop.sugar.ReadActivity Book/PDF reader
Download: Read (8.2) (v.56)
Record: org.laptop.RecordActivity Still, video, and audio capture
Download: Record (8.2) (v.64)
TamTamJam: org.laptop.TamTamJam Music composition and synthesis. Tamtam has four separate activities : TamTam Jam, Edit, Synthlab, and Mini.
Download: TamTamJam (8.2) (v.54)
TamTamEdit: org.laptop.TamTamEdit Music composition and synthesis. See also TamTam Synthlab and Mini.
Download: TamTamEdit (8.2) (v.53)
Pippy: org.laptop.Pippy Python Programming language/environment
Download: Pippy (8.2) (v.35)
Etoys: org.vpri.EtoysActivity Learning / programming / authoring environment
Download: Etoys (8.2) (v.94)
Moon: com.garycmartin.Moon Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information, eclipse data, and various display options.
Download: Moon (8.2) (v.11)
Ruler: com.laptop.Ruler Graphical cm/mm ruler and grids to take measurements of lengths and angles of objects the size of XO laptop screen
Download: Ruler (8.2) (v.3)
Scratch: An easy-to-learn, multimedia programming language. Snap together colorful command blocks to create interactive animations, stories, and games, then share your creatiions on the Scratch website.
Download: Scratch (10.1) (v.16)
Speak: vu.lux.olpc.Speak An animated face that speaks whatever you type
Download: Speak (8.2) (v.18)
Log: org.laptop.Log An activity version of the Sugar logging tool
Download: Log (8.2) (v.16)
Content collections
ICDL: org.icdlbooks.icdl Story books for young children
Download: ICDL (8.2) (v.8)
Specific collections of activity and content are available; see the WorldWideWorkshop and GCompris activity sets, and repositories of Etoys projects at Potsdam University.
Note: The Activity packs page is being deprecated in favor of pages such as Activities/Peru
New activities
Add new activities below in the above format.
Activities/Christofer Roibal
Removing activities
via Terminal
Open the Terminal Activity, and do the following (depends on whether you installed activities yourself or not) replacing ActivityName with the name of the activity (e.g. TamTamMini) :
- Note: You may want to "ls" before you "rm" so you can see what's in the directory and what options you have.
If done carelessly (e.g. removing Terminal, Browse, or Journal) your machine may operate in reduced functionality until you manually reinstall the activity!
cd Activities
rm -r ActivityName.activity
See also