Doom (activity)

Revision as of 06:49, 26 December 2009 by Cxbrx (talk | contribs) (Updated links to point to doom-2.xo, which does not include the vandalized doom1.wad file.)
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Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones.

Freedoom is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.

How to install Doom bundle

Click Doom-2.xo to download Doom. Then install as usual.

This is tested working in shipping builds, not tested with rainbow security enabled, yet.

Video of Doom played on the OLPC


== Changing Doom to run in full screen mode== To run in full screen mode, type: prboom -geom 1200x900 To permanently adjust Freedoom to run in full screen mode all the time, type: cd /home/olpc/.prboom nano prboom.cfg This will open the freedoom configuration file in the nano text editor. == Doom Cambiar a ejecutarse en modo de pantalla completa == Para ejecutar en modo de pantalla completa, escriba: prboom-geom 1200x900 Para ajustar permanentemente Freedoom para ejecutarse en modo de pantalla completa todo el tiempo, escribe: cd / home / olpc / nano .prboom prboom.cfg Esto abrirá el archivo de configuración Freedoom en el [[] editor de textos nano]. Find the two lines in the file with the words: width         640 height        480 And change them to: width         1200 height        900 Then type ctrl-x to exit, and type y to save your changes. Now, Freedoom should run in full screen mode when you type prboom Edit:Starts in Full Screen after saving changes with just prboom. Encuentra las dos líneas en el archivo con las palabras: anchura 640 altura 480 y cambie a: Ancho de 1200 Altura 900 A continuación, escriba ctrl-x' para salir, y el tipo 'y para guardar sus cambios. Ahora, Freedoom debe ejecutar en modo de pantalla completa cuando se prboom tipo Edit: se inicia en pantalla completa después de guardar los cambios con sólo prboom.


I installed this by downloading the .xo file and then I tried changing the graphics mode to OpenGL and now it won't start. I tried removing it and re-installing it, but it still won't start. I think my (poor choice of) settings were not reset when I did that.

Game settings (all activity settings actually) are found in your .sugar/ directory. Just remove the .sugar/default/org.laptop.doom directory to clear saved settings after you remove the activity, and then re-install.

Hint, don't try the OpenGL video mode.

See also

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::raly descargar
Genre: Activity genre::Documents (Read, Write, and Share)
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: [[Short description::Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones. Freedoom is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.]]
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL:
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::
Last tested version number: Activity version::3
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :