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This is Adam's version of Xavi's country template. I'm using it experimentally, as I am not much of a programmer and I wish to add country data.

Capital {{{capital}}}
Official languages {{{official_languages}}}
Area {{{area}}} km²
 - {{{population_estimate_year}}} estimate {{{population_estimate}}}
 - {{{population_census_year}}} census {{{population_census}}}
 - Density {{{population_density}}}/km²
 - Literacy (%) {{{population_literacy}}}
 - Mandatory Years {{{mandatory_school_years}}}
 - Mandatory Age {{{mandatory_school_age}}}
 - Pop: Age 14 & Below {{{population_in_mandatory_age}}}
 - Pop. in School {{{population_in_mandatory_school}}}
GDP (PPP) {{{GDP_PPP_year}}} est. {{{GDP_PPP}}}
 - Per capita {{{GDP_PPP_per_capita}}}
GDP (nominal) {{{GDP_nominal_year}}} est. {{{GDP_nominal}}}
 - Per capita {{{GDP_nominal_per_capita}}}
HDI  ({{{HDI_year}}}) {{{HDI}}} ({{{HDI_category}}})
Gini Index  ({{{Gini_year}}}) {{{Gini_index}}}
Time zone {{{time_zone}}} (UTC{{{utc_offset}}})
Internet TLD {{{cctld}}}
Calling code +{{{calling_code}}}
More Statistics...