StarChart/Change log

< StarChart
Revision as of 18:27, 18 March 2010 by Davewa (talk | contribs) (Version 11)
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This page is keeping the revision history of the StarChart activity. Here you will find, in reverse chronological order, a description of each version of StarChart and a list of which features were added and which bugs were fixed.

Version 11 (current)

Also known as "Version 1.1 (build 93) of 2010.03.14.1830 UT". This is the second stable release.

  • Added Spanish language translation.
  • Corrected bug #15.

Version 10

Also known as "Version 1.0 (build 89) of 2010.02.27.1800 UT". This is the first stable release.

  • Added "Locate" and "About" tabs.
  • Added "Identify" feature.
  • Completed i18n and created POT file.
  • Improved input error detection and reporting; no longer using Alert.
  • Bugs 12, 13, 14 and 16 corrected.

Version 5

Also known as "Version 0.54 (beta 5) of 2008.09.24.2210 UT".

  • Added gettext calls to support i18n
  • Added license metadata to (license is GPLv2+)
  • Added a Spanish-language program name (/locale/es/activity.linfo)
  • Input errors now being reported via the Alert API.
  • Bug #1 fixed.
  • Bugs #12, #13 and #14 introduced. All are related to error handling.
  • Bug #15 documented (it's been there awhile). Poor GUI implementation with regards to specifying time / time-zone offset.
  • Bug #16 introduced. (Harmelss unless localization is attempted.)

Version 4

Also known as "Version 0.40 (beta 4) of 2008.07.15.2200 UT".

  • Reorganized code into multiple .py files.
  • Added the Messier Catalog to the plot. (This was filtered by size and brightness such that only about 1/2 of the catalog is plotted.)
  • Added the ability to specify a temporary locale and timezone offset for travelers.
  • No bugs fixed.
  • No bugs introduced.

Version 3

Also known as "Version 0.33 (beta 3) of 2008.03.20:2000".

  • The chart is now labeled with the cardinal directions (N/E/S/W).
  • Bug #3 fixed.
  • Bug #10 fixed.
  • No new bugs introduced.

Version 2

Also known as "Version 0.27 (beta 2) of 2008.03.04:1230".

  • Latitude and longitude can now be specified as degree-and-fraction as well as degree/minute/seconds.
  • The controls which specify display options, position and time are now organized into tabbed menus ("Activity", "What", "Where" and "When"), more like other Sugar Applications.
  • Bug #2 fixed.
  • Bug #4 fixed.
  • Bug #6 fixed.
  • Bug #7 fixed.
  • Bug #11 introduced.

Version 1

Also known as "Version 0.11 of 2008.02.18:1400".

  • Initial release