Charting additions to the SocialCalc Activity.
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Бүх диаграммд зориулав.
- 1) Мөр баганыг сонгон идэвхижүүлэх
- 2) Граф сонгох
- 3) Графикийн хэлбэр(Graph Type)сонгох
- 4) OK товш
Багана / Мөр Граф
You can use a bar chart to compare different values to each other.
You can make a bar chart to count days with sun, rain, or snow
- 1) Амьтадын нэрийн жагсаалт үүсгэх
- 2) Амьтадын нэрийн баруун талд нь амьдрах насны жагсаалт үүсгэх
- 3) Click and drag to highlight the list of numbers
Click the Graph tab, select the Багана Граф type, then click OK.
Click Graph or OK again to change the colors in the chart
Also try Мөр Граф - which works the same way but has bars in a different direction:
You can use a pie chart (Тойрог) to compare fractions making up the whole.
For example, you can make a pie chart that shows how people divided for a vote on their favorite class.
- 1) Make a list of subjects
- 2) To the right, put a count of how many people voted for that subject
- 3) Click and drag to highlight the list of numbers
Click the Граф tab, select Тойрог type, and click OK.
Click Граф or OK to change colors.
You can use a line chart (Шугам) to see a value change over time, compare multiple values over time, or show the relationship between any two variables.
For example, you can make a line chart showing how temperature of water as it is heated.
- 1) Make a list of times (they do not need to be equally spaced)
- 2) To the right, make a list of temperatures
- 3) Click and drag to highlight the list of numbers in the right column
Click the Граф tab, select Шугам, and click OK.
Without a list of x-values in the left column, the points will be placed at [0,1,2,3...)
You can also make a line chart with more than one line (more than one data set). Click on the Edit tab and add a second list of numbers below the first list.
This example shows the temperature when you heat milk and water.
Select the entire column of numbers, press Граф, and click OK.
SocialCalc draws a second line when the next X value is less than the current one. If you were graphing a line from (1,0) to (2,0) and a line from (3,1) to (4,1) you would need to list the rightmost line - (3,1) to (4,1) - first.
You can use a scatter plot (Хошуу) to show the connection between two (or even three) variables. Unlike the line chart, a scatter plot does not connect its dots. You can include results from several experiments and reports to see if they form a line, a cluster, or have other patterns.
This Хошуу shows test grades of students and how many hours they studied. A students that studies more got a better grade.
You can set the size of each dot on the chart in a new column. Use dot sizes from 0.5 to 10.0 for best results. Other values will not appear on the Google chart.
Graph Window
The scatter chart, like the line chart, will set the window to fit your data. You can set the window yourself (X Min, X Max, Y Min, Y Max) in the textboxes above the chart. For example, you can set Y Min to zero so that the X-axis is visible in your chart.
Clicking OK resets the window, and clicking Graph will change line colors without changing the window.