Adobe Flash Issues

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This page is about issues on the OLPC XO with the proprietary Adobe Flash Player Plugin.


  • Xv not used

On all Linux devices, including XO-1 and XO-1.5, with all builds, Flash 10 does not use Xv, (Flash 9 did), and performance is significantly degraded.

  • Security updates mechanism

A deployment laptop asset base is a potential target. A mechanism will be required by deployments to ensure that security updates or mitigation can be applied rapidly.

(Context: in 2010-06 Adobe advised of a security vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player (and earlier), including the Linux version. Solution is Adobe Flash Player 10.1. Mitigation is to remove the file and while this appears straightforward would need to be included in image build scripts, and in some post-installation update mechanism.)

  • Redistribution license

The license does not permit redistribution, therefore Adobe Flash Player cannot be bundled within an operating system image by OLPC. An alternate license or specific permission is being explored. See OLPC ticket #9811.

XO-1 Laptop

Issues on the XO-1 Laptop

XO-1 OS (Sugar Desktop)

  • camera

Browsing Flash apps that use the camera will turn on the indicator light above the camera. Flash 10 shows red and green static which reacts to motion. This means the camera is working, but Flash isn't communicating quite correctly with it. See OLPC ticket #8644, and ticket #7001.

Fedora 11 (Gnome Desktop)


Teapot's Ubuntu 8.10 (XFCE Desktop)


XO-1.5 Laptop


XO-1.5 OS (Sugar Desktop)


Fedora 11 (Gnome Desktop)


Related Tickets

OLPC ticket #9500 "YouTube should just work", as option 3, seeking a way to ship Adobe Flash with associated codec rights.

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