User:NeoAmsterdam/Notes to Self

< User:NeoAmsterdam
Revision as of 12:00, 10 June 2010 by NeoAmsterdam (talk | contribs) (Caveat Emptor... it's a pyrrhic victory after all :-/)
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This page contains no useful, practical, or "actionable" information - only disorganized notes.


Packages without Dependencies

  • elinks
  • wget
  • switchdesk

Packages with Dependencies

  • icewm
    • 946KB, but 8.2MB with dependencies
    • bluecurve-icon-theme accounts for 5.2MB
  • gcc
    • 8.1MB, 14MB with dependencies:
      • binutils, glibc-{devel,headers},kernel-headers
  • wine
    • 29MB in dependencies



  • Switch from Sugar to Ice?


  • Nix paswordless logins?


  • Nix serial console?


  • # set mouse and keyboard speed
    • turn on keyclick??
  • # finally, run sugar
    • a way to swap to Ice?? Yes, but:
      • 0-boot-anim-start and 0-boot-anim-start must be off! ( I hope I can keep ul-warning, though... kinda cute)
      • WiFi can't be operated ($PATH is busted and NetworkManager won't function)