OLPC Afghanistan/Background

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About Education in Afghanistan

  • Afghanistan's Ministry of Education
  • Education in Afghanistan from Wikipedia
  • UNICEF Country Statistics, including Education
  • From Matt Keller's OLPC blog post about visiting Afghanistan:
    • Afghanistan has seen vast improvements in its education system in the last few years. In 2001, 800,000 children attended school compared to 7 million today. Despite these successes, only half (52%) of primary school aged children are enrolled in school. 50% of Afghan girls and 40% of boys don't attend school.
    • Schools must operate in “shifts,” the average being three shifts per day. Because of this, each child generally receives only 2.5 hours of school a day, or only about half of OECD recommended average school times.
    • Teacher student ratios are often as high as 1:50-75. Close to 75% of teachers in Afghanistan are illiterate or have an education level of one year greater than their students.
    • Building more schools, training teachers, providing materials would require 6 fold increase to education (over 1 billion a year) and would take 10-15 years.

Afghanistan's National Education Strategic Plan

National Education Strategic Plan (March 2006-2011): "In December 2006, the Ministry of Education officially launched a 5 Year National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) to take place from March 2006 to March 2011. In consultation with the international community, the NESP identifies eight priority program areas," including:

  • General Education
  • Islamic Education
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training
  • Literacy and Non-Formal Education
  • Teacher Education and Working Conditions
  • Education Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Development
  • Curriculum Development and Learning Materials
  • Education Administrative Reform and Development

Afghanistan is now entering its second National Education Strategic Plan (or NESP II), which will span from 2010 to 2014.

UNICEF in Afghanistan

Programmatic Areas Of Focus

  • Child labor: According to UNICEF estimates, 30% of all Afghan children are child laborers. UNICEF has set up drop-in centers where child laborers are able to learn in classroom settings.
  • School attacks: While school attacks occur in both all girl and all boy schools, in the last two years, school attacks on all girls schools have more than doubled in Afghanistan. Following these attacks, many Afghan girls have been forced to leave school temporarily or permanently. Although UNICEF employs a comprehensive “School-in-a-Box” concept for students following natural disasters, there is no mention of what the organization is doing to help children continue their education following these attacks.
  • Female education access & literacy: In addition to promoting community-based schools, UNICEF is helping teach community management committees about the importance of girls’ education and their role in making it happen.
  • Child friendly curricula: UNICEF is making strides in promoting “child friendly curricula” throughout schools in Afghanistan. This model, which has been implemented in more than 50 countries, utilizes a specific type of curricula. According to UNICEF, a child-friendly school must reflect an environment of good quality characterized by several essential aspects: it is inclusive of children, if is effective for learning, it is healthy and protective of children, it is gender-sensitive, and it is involved with children, families, and communities.

UNICEF Afghanistan's Priorities

  • 1. Starting from 2010 the enrolment of girls in primary schools, will increase by 20% resulting in 2.64 million girls being enrolled in school by the end of 2013. 60% of girls enrolled in grade 1 during 2009 reach grade 5 of the education cycle (or 210,000 girls complete grade 5 in 2013) through improved quality of teaching and learning.
  • 2. 30% of all primary schools will be child-friendly or 3,300 schools practicing child friendly principles.
  • 3. Literacy rates among females aged 15-24 years will be increased by 50%, through expansion of literacy centers.

Programs in Afghanistan

Major NGO partners for UNICEF include Save the Children UK and Norway/Sweden, Terre des Hommes, CARE International, International Medical Corps, Merlin etc. In Afghanistan, the education cluster lead is UNICEF and the co-lead is Save the Children US.Examples of Past Joint Projects with UNICEF Afghanistan include:

  • Education for Afghans Initiative (Save the Children and UNICEF): Multi-agency initiative to develop basic competencies of learning in mathematics and language and teaching-learning materials. Save the Children is distributing education materials, conducting a school-awareness campaign, establishing Parent-Teacher Associations and reconstructing and building schools. Save the Children is also setting up temporary tents to house classes in areas where the buildings are not ready for children.
  • Girls' Resource Forums (UNICEF): Created in 2009, the Girls' Resource Forumn reaches over 2,000 girls and 100 female teachers in 20 schools across the west of Afghanistan. By giving participants the chance to learn, play and discuss issues important to their lives, the forumn aims to streghten the girls' self confidence and interpersonal skills.
  • Rewrite the Future(Save the Children and UNICEF): Save the Children has set up many schools in Afghanistan, particularly for refugees who flee into Pakistan. In this case, Save the Children provides teachers, training, and materials while UNICEF provides tents.
  • Thousand School Project (UNICEF and Japanese Government): The Government of Japan has granted $24 million in aid to education in Kabul, which is currently facing a critical shortage of teaching and learning spaces. By its completion in December, the project will have reached 48 schools and benefited over 80,000 children.

Country Budget

  • Budget: (Note: this point this information is still incomplete; further research is needed to get a more exact set of UNICEF's financial situation in Afghanistan.)
    • $30,168,900 was allocated to Afghanistan from UNICEF's regular resources from 2006-2009. In 2009, Afghanistan became one of UNICEF's "New Country Programmes."
    • $157,668,000 has been allocated to Afghanistan from UNICEF's regular resources for 2010-2013.
    • Since 2008, the United Nations has doubled their Afghanistan headquarters budget from $81 million to $150/160 million.
    • In 2003, UNICEF's budget for programmes in Afghanistan stood at $110 million. As of November 2003, funding to the organization stood at 88% of budget.
  • Funding Appeals: According to their Funding Appeals and Humanitarian Update, UNICEF's funding appeals from 2006 to 2008 decreased from $21.8 million (2006) to $15.9 million (2007) to $12.9 million (2008). Education has been the biggest priority in all three years of the funding appeals, with $13,813,383 (2006), $8,013,631 (2007) and $5,064,541 (2008) requested. All three years saw significant gaps in the amount of money requested versus donated.