Improving the Deployment Toolkit

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A place to gather all ideas about creating a process to perpetually improve the deployment toolkit.

Pencil.png NOTE: The contents of this page are not set in stone, and are subject to change!

This page is a draft in active flux ...
Please leave suggestions on the talk page.



  • Idea 1
  • Idea 2
  • Idea 3


  1. Improved deployment guide (wiki WIP version)
  2. Improved deployment guide (Google Docs Word "release" version)
  3. Improved deployment workbook (Google Docs spreadsheet)
  4. Guidance document about how to create a customised deployment guide that will be most appropriate for YOUR deployment.
  5. Deployments tracker - who is at what phase, what problems they've solved.
  6. Contacts list - who are the key people.

Work in Progress

  • Add content here