Operating system image installation methods

Revision as of 06:59, 24 June 2010 by Quozl (talk | contribs)
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We use a few different methods to install operating system images.

installation method what files are required how to install references
XO-1 signed .img and fs.zip hold down the four game pad buttons Clean Install Procedure
XO-1 unsigned .img and .crc obtain developer key, disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the copy-nand command Clean Install Procedure
XO-1 partitioned
.dat and .img obtain developer key, disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the update-nand command Used by DebXO. Used by UBIFS experiments.

Technical description.

XO-1.5 signed .zd and fs.zip hold down the four game pad buttons Fedora 11 for XO-1.5 install to internal microSD Release_notes/10.1.1
XO-1.5 unsigned .zd alone check if security is disabled, if so obtain developer key and disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the fs-update command F11_for_1.5

Note that signed installation methods are the same for XO-1 and XO-1.5. Intentional design, since we do not wish to increase the training burden for the deployment teams.