OLPC Rwanda/Background

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Educational Initiatives

Summary of Educational Development Initiatives in Haiti
Name of Organization Investment in Country People/Major Projects
The Catholic Church
World Vision:
Save the Children
SOS Children's Villages
World Bank

1. UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2009 Statistics
Categories Numbers
Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000-2007 65
Primary school net enrolment/ attendance (%), 2000-2007 86
Youth (15–24 years)literacy rate 2000–2007 (male) 79
Youth (15–24 years)literacy rate 2000–2007 (female) 77
Percentage of phone users 2006 3
Percentage of internet users 2006 1
Primary school enrollment ratio gross 2000-2007 (male) 138
Primary school enrollment ratio gross 2000-2007 (female) 142
Primary school enrollment ratio net 2000-2007 (male) 76
Primary school enrollment ratio net 2000-2007 (female) 81
Primary school attendance ratio net 2000-2007 (male) 84
Primary school attendance ratio net 2000-2007 (female) 87
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2000–2007 (administrative data) 31
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2000–2007 (survey data) 76
Secondary school enrollment ratio gross 2000-2007 (male) 14
Secondary school enrollment ratio gross 2000-2007 (female) 13
Secondary school enrollment ratio net 2000-2007 (male) N/A
Secondary school enrollment ratio net 2000-2007 (female) N/A
Secondary school attendance ratio net 2000-2007 (male) 5
Secondary school attendance ratio net 2000-2007 (female) 5

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