Talk:Main Page

Revision as of 15:53, 22 October 2010 by Twenty-seven (talk | contribs)
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Please add main page comments by clicking on the '+' link next to the word 'edit' above. == LiveCD in Latest releases out of date == Hello. In the "Latest Releases" box, the link to the LiveCD must be updated. It still refer to Build 385, while a recent version is available (ftp://rohrmoser-engineerinit is probably the most useful link over there, and at first this was going to be a gripe about it going away entirely, but then I realized someone had just mis-categorized it (IMHO). You can lose the [[Special:Random|Random Page]] link for all I care (as SJ has [| observed] , it's more or less a ticket to an XO Korea page anyway. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 15:07, 24 April 2008 (EDT) : I'm torn about where to put it. It is both about the project -- a way to see its current activity -- and of course about the wiki. It was moved because it was 'below the fold' on most monitors. I'm open to other suggeestions. And I still find randompages useful; olpc korea is only ~15% of the site :) --[[User:Sj|Sj]] [[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 13:37, 4 May 2008 (EDT) ::There is enough real estate "below the fold" to have a second copy of the link under OLPC wiki. I'm not the only one asking. See [| FGrose comment] elsewhwere. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 18:30, 4 May 2008 (EDT) == Education == == Add Machine Translation == I would like to add the GoogleTrans-en template to the Main page. In spite of the worthy efforts of many translators in many languages, the number of edits to this page are more than any handful of humans can keep up with. By adding this template it will allow users the option of accessing a translation of this pageGoogleTranslation in one of 22 languages, they will have access to "good enough" translation of more current content. Furthermore, the Google trnslation frame will allow them to navigate the rest of the wiki from this entry point with translation turned on, if they so choose. See for example my User:page [[User:Cjl]], select any language and then navigate off the page by any of the links while the Google translation frame is active. It is also simple to dismiss the translation frame and switch back to the original verison of the page. '''The argument against relying solely on human translations.''' I reviewed the other lang-xx versions of this page (certainly one of the most translated and updated pages) and recorded the most recent version number from the translation template. Clearly many of these are cases of the version number not being kept up to date (a challenge in itself), but on the other hand, history shows many of these pages have not had substantial revisions for months and months. No matter how much you might prefer a human translation, you must admit that at present, the community of lang-xx translators cannot keep pace with the larger community of lang-en editors. We should not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 22:41, 19 May 2008 (EDT) <pre> Version lang 130711 en 33113 ar 76798 bg 33477 de 75214 es 37382 fr 54129 it 99961 ko 68032 no 81739 pt 33477 ro 102681 ru 60725 zh 60725 zh-TW </pre> : please remind me why this is better than the translation links in the skin... placement? --[[User:Sj|Sj]] [[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 06:37, 5 September 2008 (UTC) == Moved comment from == Looks horrible on IE6 * Please fix * : noted! --[[User:Sj|Sj]] [[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] == "How to update" links to old page! == "How to update" link on Main page (in box) links to a page saying there is a newer version of this page available (?!) [[Special:Contributions/|]] 02:11, 15 October 2008 (UTC) == New main page design == We need a total redesign of the page. Mel and Seth and others have been saying the same thing for a while... so let's actually design a new model and implement it. I'd like to see something like [ the catalan wp main page] : with small colorful in-page tabs, a highly summarized and limited set of information in short paragraphs and bullet points, each linking to details elsewhere on the wiki, and a set of alternative page views including a static html view, for usability. Each of the sections of the main page is another target for maintenance -- people interested in one area of news or another, in feeds or images or media, can keep that part of the main apge up to date without worrying about the currency of the rest of it; and without interlacing the overall page history with the section history. Now we only need to get the [[OLPC:Design gang|Design gang]] involved...[[Special:Contributions/|]] 06:15, 16 October 2008 (UTC) : But the new main page design is barren and still static. It needs love! I still like the [[wikitravel:Main Page|wikitravel]] and [ wikieducator] homepages best... along with the [[w:ca:Main Page|catalan Wikipedia]]. --[[User:Sj|Sj]] [[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 21:15, 21 December 2008 (UTC) == Participation == The menu on the left should include a link to the Participate page. It could perhaps replace several of the more specific topics there.--[[User:Mokurai|Mokurai]] 19:37, 23 November 2008 (UTC) == UBUNTU == How about, let us easily install ubuntu? : I just wrote a [[Ubuntu Lucid on OLPC XO|howto for Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)]]. It is a slightly involved, but fairly straightforward process. :] It would be nice if someone figured out what changes the stock Ubuntu kernel needs in order to work. --[[User:Maxxflow|Maxxflow]] 19:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC) == Concise mission improvement == : How about, improving concise mission? As a member of the indigenous Australian community I am very offended with the amount of racism that is going on here. == New discussions moved to the Cafe == See [[OLPC:Cafe]] for more. --[[User:Sj|Sj]] [[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] == Прорекламирую Ваши товары и услуги в интернете == При выполнении работ для Ваших сообщений будут подобраны слова которые чаще других используют люди при поиске в поисковых системах, вариантв сообщений .Стоимосьть каждого пункта девяностосемь дол-ров На 2999 электр. досках интернета не автоматич. а с помощью рук В электр. досках автомат. количество 19999 Нафорумы автоматич. 178000 Сборбазз (пот.клиентов, имэйлы и т.п.) за 1000 девяностосемь дол-ров В те сайты которые Вы хотите (с помощью рук на 2999 или автомат. на 15000)