Women, health literacy and empowerment

Revision as of 19:51, 23 October 2010 by Holt (talk | contribs)
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* Now talking in #olpc-555
* Topic is 'Outreach Track: Women, health literacy and empowerment (Carol Ruth Silver, Humaira Mahi, Beth Santos)'
* Set by silbe!~silbe@twin.sascha.silbe.org on Sat Oct 23 14:39:18
<CanoeBerry> Sorry for the late start!
<CanoeBerry> Beth Santos now beginning!
<CanoeBerry> Can someone plz help record this channel?
<CanoeBerry> It will be posted in about an hour to..
<CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_SanFranciscoBayArea/Community_Summit_2010#Schedule_of_sessions
<CanoeBerry> This session (ROOM 555 OUTREACH+ TRACK) is:
<CanoeBerry> Women, health literacy and empowerment
<CanoeBerry> (Carol Ruth Silver, Humaira Mahi, Beth Santos)
<CanoeBerry> Beth Santos discussing Sao Tome & Principe, a small Portuguese-speaking country off the West coast of Africa.
<CanoeBerry> "Women aren't expected to be educated there."
<CanoeBerry> "Several girls skip classes and don't care about school at all."
<CanoeBerry> 65% of students go from 6th grade onto high school.
<CanoeBerry> Tech issues in room with MUTE
<CanoeBerry> Of Beth's video..
<CanoeBerry> Sound problem in room.
<CanoeBerry> Sound fixed!
<CanoeBerry> http://youtube.com/watch?v=IWHIH-pmWBo
<CanoeBerry> We are watching the video above.
* @mavrothal (~laura@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<silbe> CanoeBerry: YouTube says not available. Typo or not-yet-uploaded?
<pleia2> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWHlH-pmWBo
<CanoeBerry> http://youtube.com/watch?v=IWHlH-pmWBo
<CanoeBerry> FIXED video link above!
<silbe> thx!
<CanoeBerry> Folks are not EXPECTING to continue their education.
<CanoeBerry> Beth asked them what they _were_ expecting..
<CanoeBerry> Inspiring non-scripted dreams..
<CanoeBerry> Girls developing own identities, some even dreaming of being engineers now..
<CanoeBerry> 2 post boards at the front of Room 555 here.
<CanoeBerry> 20 people in room here added their ideas to these 2 spontaneous paper posters:
<CanoeBerry> 1. Health Literacy
<CanoeBerry> 2. Women's Empowerment
<CanoeBerry> Kenya challenge: FGM (female genital mutilation)
<CanoeBerry> Somethings boys don't have to go through.
<CanoeBerry> Tho yes, circumcision as adolescent age in some parts of Kenya..
* jnettlet (~jnettlet@S010600240142f8d3.vc.shawcable.net) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> York University (Toronto) group goes nearby there to talk to girls separately..
<CanoeBerry> York Univ student: "no matter how many volunteer hours you put it, if you can generate 1 girl/mom that her daughter doesn't have to go through this, it's worth it"
<pleia2> picture of the ideas paper that the audience put together: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/5107714665/
<CanoeBerry> pleia2 saves the day!! See photos of both posters in above link!!
* MarkDude (~Mark@pdpc/supporter/student/markdude) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> carol ruth silver: long term asset for that women AND society..
<CanoeBerry> Risk factor model: good orgs like PIH / Smile Train give medical treatment then folks go back to bad nutrition etc..
<CanoeBerry> (Partners in Health)
<CanoeBerry> Health Education has _long term_ implications in helping life of woman / her family _and_ then she becomes fountain of knowledge to that community..
<CanoeBerry> Humaira Mahi in India community, unable to be here today it seems.
* bensheldon (~bensheldo@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-149-169.sfsu.edu) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Was supposed to co-present today, but Carol Ruth Silver presenting her India story breifly now.
<CanoeBerry> (Humaira Mahi in India community, unable to be here today it seems.)
<CanoeBerry> Question for Carol Ruth Silver: evidence of greater empowerment? or is this just a theory?
<CanoeBerry> Mark T? presenting Portland, Oregon experience where communicating birth control more publicly (outside the closet, outdise the locker room) succeeds in prevent HIV etc.
<CanoeBerry> (Mark Terranova, Zareason, Fedora Ambassador, GidgetKitchen.org)
<CanoeBerry> Giant screen fixed by Ben Sheldon!
<CanoeBerry> Back on topic..
<CanoeBerry> Robin Ridenour? discussing men get another wife when prior sick? Learning center as center of hope.
* sj (~sj_@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-147-178.sfsu.edu) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<CanoeBerry> Beth: is there still a man's role?  If women use technology instead, to inform their health/values/etc. How do you prevent classic cultural imperialism from US/Europe etc?
<CanoeBerry> Cherry Withers: Make men believe they're in charge? Find one enlightened man?
<CanoeBerry> Remy DeCausemaker on a software perspective: "running code & quality patches matter not your age/gender"
<CanoeBerry> "Role of technology: knowledge"
* _sj_ (~sj_@wikipedia/sj) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Carol Ruth Silver: concern over man's role in muslim countries
<CanoeBerry> "HIV positive man in Kenya?  When she has 9 childen and we're tired of her, we'll get another wife?"
<CanoeBerry> But when those same guys come to Germany/UK etc, economic equation changes to 2-4 children.
* bensheldon (~bensheldo@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-149-169.sfsu.edu) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi)
<CanoeBerry> Humaira Mahi was going to speak on thie health lit experience here in India..
<CanoeBerry> Indians moving into the middle class are significantly limiting their childbearing..
<CanoeBerry> Hmm: Exceeded success in China?
* bensheldon (~bensheldo@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-149-169.sfsu.edu) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Young married couples in India are being asked to delay having kids.
<CanoeBerry> Struggle to communicate the benefits here to young brides in India.
<CanoeBerry> Cherry Withers: counteragument to economic argument of having less kids? More kids' hands need on farm.
<CanoeBerry> Carol Ruther Silver: every additional child is another mouth to fee!
<decause> s/fee/feed, but both work :P
<decause> should I be taking notes in IRC instead?
<decause> ?
<CanoeBerry> Yes!!
<CanoeBerry> Thanks!!
<CanoeBerry> To be posted at end of hour here:
<CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_SanFranciscoBayArea/Community_Summit_2010#Schedule_of_sessions
<CanoeBerry> Disempower women, by taking away their ability to control money?
* knoppix_____ (~knoppix@cpe-74-73-156-174.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Their lives are  of no value, except to themselves -- begging in the street, and completely unable to get a job in Afghanistan.
<CanoeBerry> Unless family takes them in, "they might as well be dead"
<CanoeBerry> Beth Santos: Sao Tome song on man who has diff girlfriends for dinner, sleep, breakfast, etc -- and so not having to work ;)
<CanoeBerry> Humaira Mahi will use XO for health education in tiny village near Hyderabad, where she growing up.  Muslims and Hindus in that area?
<CanoeBerry> Village: "Aziznagar"
<CanoeBerry> Women's health educ curriculum developed, on XO.
<CanoeBerry> Univ based: so assessment beforehand and monitoring & evaluation later?
<CanoeBerry> Question from audience: Is birth control the core of womens' health, everything starting from there?
<CanoeBerry> CRS answer: too controversial to start there.
<CanoeBerry> 20% of Afghan kids die in first year.
<CanoeBerry> 1 in 20 Afghan moms die giving birth.
<CanoeBerry> Pediatric health critical..
<CanoeBerry> Education component educating for nutrition+clean water?
<CanoeBerry> Maternal Health Lit..
<CanoeBerry> Hope: Empowering enough to give women voice asking folks to wash hands (beyond Muslim tradition of washing feet)
* Retrieving #olpc-555 modes...
<CanoeBerry> Implement knowledge!
<CanoeBerry> Question from audience -- Chritine Murakami asks: what other OLPC Health traction is out there / emerging?
<CanoeBerry> CRS on Pashto work..
<CanoeBerry> Beth Santos discussing OLPC Health mailing list she has fostered this year, to advance Water / Hygiene content this year.
<_sj_> [note: we have some discussion about health in 553 -- Stacy Kertsman @ UC Berkeley & Eduweavers, is working with schools in South Africa on nutrition and health
<_sj_> ]
<CanoeBerry> She mentions "Where there is no Doctor" book freely available.
* bensheldon_ (~bensheldo@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-149-169.sfsu.edu) has joined #olpc-555
<pleia2> mailing list link: http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/health
* bensheldon (~bensheldo@sfs-wifi-aruba-dhcp-130-212-149-169.sfsu.edu) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* bensheldon_ is now known as bensheldon
<CanoeBerry> Specific mention: Leech disease more excacerbated by water problem?  Which do you tackle first?  Both together??
<CanoeBerry> Specific mention: Leech disease more exacerbated by water problem?  Which do you tackle first?  Both together??
<CanoeBerry> Time check: 9min remain
<CanoeBerry> Elizabeth Krumback discussing linuxchix.org
<CanoeBerry> Remy familiar with them.
<CanoeBerry> Role Models as critical?
<CanoeBerry> Hard costs (laptops) vs soft costs (breakfast for kids, tech support, transport of kids)
<CanoeBerry> CRS on corruption risk when paying soft costs especially.
<CanoeBerry> Reminder: we've been discussing these thoughts on "Women, health literacy & empowerment"
<CanoeBerry> http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/5107714665/sizes/l/in/photostream/
<CanoeBerry> CRS discussing teacher-training, transp, deliv, etc costs being more upfront.
<CanoeBerry> Plz join us 3:15p this afternoon for more discussions of Peer-to-Peer learning, perhaps including health issues!
* MarkDude (~Mark@pdpc/supporter/student/markdude) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<CanoeBerry> Above Transcript Now POSTED to:
<CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_SanFranciscoBayArea/Community_Summit_2010#Schedule_of_sessions
<CanoeBerry> Remy DeCausemaker & Ben Sheldon are helping supplement / clean soon!