Talk:Accessibility Computing Numerical Pointer

Revision as of 10:50, 14 February 2007 by (talk) (Defence of the idea copied to the discussion page as required.)
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The original author of this page disagrees with the request to delete the page. The idea is defended on the page itself and that defence is repeated below as the rules of deciding upon a deletion request made on the article page requires defence on the discussion page rather than on the article page where the deletion request has been made! The idea is certainly open to critical review and indeed the decision may be taken not to take up the idea. Yet no specific technical reason for wanting the page deleted has been put forward at this time. Critical review is needed as to whether the idea could be useful to the OLPC project before any decision to delete the page is made.

Well, suppose that a child has arthritis and cannot move the pointer properly yet can press on the number keys. This method would allow that child to move the mouse pointer around on the screen.
The method allows any user to position the mouse pointer with pixel precision.
This method allows any user to enter any Unicode character into the laptop. Suppose that someone in Brazil wishes to enter French accents, how else would he or she do it using the keyboard on his or her machine? What about the accents for Esperanto, or for Latvian?
[[1]] Keyboard Artwork Library page
[[2]] French pdf
[[3]] Esperanto pdf
[[4]] Latvian pdf
[[5]] List of pdfs available
This method allows colours to be selected with precision.
This method is expandable for other features as well.