User:NeoAmsterdam/Notes in Progress

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To Do

  • yum in Lin. Lib. fonts and linux-wacom (please, please, please work?)
  • inst. FixedSys Excel. (PR fonts are fine, too)
    sudo cp whatever</t> to /usr/share/fonts
    108 DPI for GNOME is just about right,
  • Jam done... Now KLibs :-/



512MB is a must for any GNOME-work.

Goog Chrome

Ugh, but it's leaner than FiFox

  • requires LSB≥3.2
    1. yum install redhat-lsb
      gives that @#$%ing "out of space" error (not with a 16GB SD you aren't!!!!)
    2. console: -> /sbin/init 3 ... yum install redhat-lsb
      ditto >_<
    3. #ed "/var" mounts; restart
    4. Gnome: yum install redhat-lsb
      Works! Dependencies: m4 make patch pax
  • Grab Goog's rpm (where's the SRPM you "let's not be evil" b*****ds?!)
  • rpm -ivh g...rpm OK
    As sluggish as FiFox, as alien as M$Office 12

Warning: Geo.Loc., D/L Loc., privacy settings, lame "oops" messages when there's a Flashy page (y'shouldda asked, Goo... y'shouldda asked first.)


Most (all?) require ROMs; a CPU-hog (96% CPU according to top)

  • vti's ok under Wine, but why Wine it?
  • Nothing in yum repos for F11...
    • TilEm needs GTK+ (assumed installed) and a trifecta (./configure && make && sudo make install)...

Note: tilem is a lot of trackpad and clicking. Very annoying, but far more useable than MetaFont's math system or GNUPlotz.

    1. yum install gcc
      prob. need m4/make/patch/autoconf/automake/etc. - see LSB
      • deps found: glibc-{devel,headers} kernel-headers {,cloog-}ppl # ¿was ist das?
    2. yum install auto{conf,make}
      • no deps shown
    3. wget & unpack tar.bz2 (pity there's no ln -S to latest)
    4. ./configure chokes: GTK+ may be installed, but not its devils-devels
      • yum's kvetching about "no space on device" again... >_< restart
        Oh, great: shutdown -r now -> command not found... just my luck. :-P
    5. yum install gtk+-devel (what a contradictory package name)...
      • deps galore: {glib,xorg-x11-proto,lib{ICE,SM,X{11,au,dmcp,ext,i,t},xcb}}-devel
    6. ./configure --without-ticables:
      • requires GTK+ ≥2.4.0, installed 1.2.10 instead (d'oh!)
    7. yum install gtk2-devel (what a non-plussed package name)...
      • Even more deps than GTK+... let's just trudge on, shall we?
    8. ./configure --without-ticables already!!
      • Yes! :-D
    9. make
    10. sudo make installYES!!
    11. Copy over roms (gottta write the ROM snippet) to ~/.TilEm
    12. tilem... NO: it got installed to /usr/local/bin, and $PATH doesn't go there.
      • Thought of editing $PATH but there's no .bash{rc,_profile} or .profile in ~... I'll just append it for the time being.
    13. tilem... ¡GOOOOOL!
      yeah, there's something wrong with my '86 ROM, but that's a config problem, not a compile problem.Won't read saved memory files from other platforms

Gnome Screenshot

  • yum install gnome-utils (deps. libgtop2)
    I wonder if I can change the keystroke for snapshotting to "frame" (and alt-tab to the key next to it?)
