Presence Service D-Bus API

Revision as of 17:33, 20 February 2007 by (talk) (Remove Services and Channels, they are obsolete)
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PresenceService DBus API

Revision 3 (post Collabora week)

There are 3 conceptual objects:

  • PresenceService - manages and provides a query API for Activity and Buddy objects
  • Activity - represents a shared space in which one or more buddies participate. Activities are globally unique.
  • Buddy - represents another laptop somewhere on the network that you can communicate with

PresenceService Object

Service: org.laptop.Sugar.Presence
Interface: org.laptop.Sugar.Presence
Object Path: /org/laptop/Sugar/Presence


  • ActivityAppeared (activity object path)
  • ActivityDisappeared (activity object path)
  • BuddyAppeared (buddy object path)
  • BuddyDisappeared (buddy object path)


  • GetActivities() -> ao
    • Gets all activities the PS knows about
    • Returns: array of activity object paths
  • GetActivity(s: id) -> o
    • Gets a specific activity object by the activity's ID
    • Returns: activity object path
  • GetBuddies() -> ao
    • Gets all buddies the PS knows about
    • Returns: array of buddy object paths
  • GetBuddyByPublicKey(ay: key) -> o
    • Gets a specific buddy, searching on the buddy's public key
    • Returns: the buddy object path of the requested buddy
  • GetOwner() -> o
    • Gets the owner buddy object, which is always present
    • Returns: the buddy object path of the owner
  • ShareActivity(s: activity id, s: activity type, s: name, a{sv}: properties) -> o
    • Shares an activity with others
    • Returns: object path representing the new activity

Activity Object

Interface: org.laptop.Sugar.Presence.Activity
Object Path: /org/laptop/Sugar/Presence/Activities/


  • BuddyJoined (buddy object path)
  • BuddyLeft (buddy object path)


  • GetId() -> s
    • Gets the activity's ID
    • Returns: string representing the activity's ID
  • GetJoinedBuddies() -> ao
    • Gets all buddies who are currently participating in this activity
    • Returns: array of buddy object paths

< get telepathy channels >

Buddy Object

Interface: org.laptop.Sugar.Presence.Buddy
Object Path: /org/laptop/Sugar/Presence/Buddies/


Refered objects passed in signals are specific to this buddy only.

  • IconChanged ()
  • JoinedActivity (activity object path)
  • LeftActivity (activity object path)
  • PropertyChanged (list of property names)


  • GetProperties() -> a{sv}
    • Gets all the general properties of the buddy
    • Returns: a dbus dict of buddy properties, like nickname, realname, IP address, whether or not this buddy is the laptop owner, etc
  • GetIcon() -> ay
    • Gets the buddy's icon data
    • Returns: a character array containing the byte stream of the icon data
  • GetJoinedActivities() -> ao
    • Gets all activities in which this buddy is currently participating
    • Returns: array of activity object paths