TamTam:Development Tasks

Revision as of 21:25, 28 February 2007 by (talk)
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  • Instrument volume normalization (drums in particular)
  • Revise instrument loops
  • Adjust keyboard latency in ALSA (-b smaller)
  • Add more sounds
  • Click at the end of sounds
  • Serous performance degradation when not running as root.
  • Add vibrato/tremolo to sustain sounds?

Welcome Screen

  • Replace edit Icon with a more detailed one
  • Remove link of Typing Game to a blank page. Gray out the icon.
  • Implement TamTamPlayer


  • Remove synthLab record buttons
  • Load all the synthLab slots (6)
  • Change play icon
  • Playing many notes on the keyboard and using the ttrackpad causes notes to be stuck and to cause some sort of accumualtion in the note buffers when you stop playing the buffer gets emptied and notes play.
  • The trackpad code seems unreliable. I suspect this is casued by the "tied notes" mechanism. I suggest that tied-notes mechanism be removed from univorc and see if this doesn't fix the problem.
  • Sequence recorder to be re-implemented (low priority)
  • Make the beat generate "fills" or variations for one bar every 16 betas or so and get back to its original.

TamTam Edit

  • Track instruments are only changed when you regenerate.
  • Soloing a track requires the user to press stop and play again to hear the track in solo
  • Toolbar Issues
    • When first opening TamTam edit, the icons overlap (Adrian)
    • In noteEdit mode, make steps for volume change much larger (perhaps 10 steps total )
    • Using the toolbar arrows to go back to a different mode should be reflected in the selection. ie: if the toolbar shows page deiting mode, the selection should be deselected (whether tracks or notes)
    • Looping parameter button. This should probably be dropped as it brings confusion. Looping will simply be of the page(s) selected.
    • The button icons in noteedit mode look terrible
    • Are the arrow buttons in noteedit really useful if we have the arrow keys mapped?

  • PageView issues
 ** Propriety popup window needs completion.
 ** When a note(s) is/are selected, deselect them when clicking anywhere else but on the selected note(s)
 ** Division of beats per page button to be implemented (slider popup).  I am also not certain this buttom is needed in the toobar...
 ** When adjusting note pitches in trackview, the notes shoudl sound for the full duration.
 ** spacebar starts/stops
 ** There should be a line in the trackview for each 16th note.
 ** The drum track horizontal grid needs to be divided by 12 steps instead of 24.
 ** Keyboard arrows shoudl be mapped to pitch and amp when in note slection mode, up-down on track change and left-right on page change when in tack or page edit mode
 ** Shift-keyboard up-down arrows should be mapped to amplitude and shift-left-right should be mapped to duration.

  • RollOver state for all slider knobs.


  • Sources need to be placed leftmost in the object bank. Its not important for now and we need to talk about that! - Oli
  • Source contains in Util/Clooper a binary i386 _SClient.so. Not the right place into the source. The Makefile in the same directory does not compile correctly: -lsndfile and -ldl are missing for cmd_csnd, and -lsndfile for _SClient.so.
  • Make the 6 synthLab sound slots beside the length slider
  • Push maximum length of sound slots to 10 seconds