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CSA: I did a lot of research on Prolog and Prolog-related topics. The bottom line is that it's probably not directly relevant for our project: what we really need is an incremental planner or a truth maintenance system, not a backtracking solver. Prolog doesn't come with any magic bullets to answer the "now what goals have their preconditions satisfied" question, which is at the core of a UNIVERSE-style storytelling system.

Datalog might still be interesting as a data model for "avatar services".

Interesting Prologs

  • Datalog
  • Logtalk -- the object oriented features provide a good encapsulation mechanism for a prolog-style language. It also supports "event-driven programming"; I can't tell if that would help one construct a truth maintenance system (ie, track dependencies) or not.

Truth Maintenance / Planners



    • 1984 paper, xxx, 19xx paper
    • Blog posts comparing it to MINSTREL