User:Kevgor/Miscellaneous Technical Notes

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Miscellaneous Technical Notes

November 2011

Thanks to Daniel Drake, Mikus Grinbergs, Martin Langhoff, Peter Robinson, James Cameron, Richard Smith, and Yioryos Asprobounitis for all of their help on these things :-)

Ntugi Group Reflash Documents

Install Developer Key

su -
wget -P /security

Attach to a Projector/External Monitor

Only tested products are: Startech USB2VGA2 adapter or Startech USB2VGA adapter

Ensure External device has a VGA input, and can display at 1024x768 60Hz Plug in and power on External device Attach VGA cable between Startech device External device Ensure the input selection on the External device is set to VGA Ensure XO is powered off Plug USB end of Startech adapter into External device Power on the XO It is normal behaviour for the boot process to start on the internal screen. Once the XO recognizes the external adapter, a blue light will illuminate on the adapter. The XO will attempt to handshake with the adapter This process may cause horizontal bars to appear until such time as 1024x768 resolution is set Once the External monitor has control of the display, the internal screen will go into text mode Control will not return to the internal display until after a shutdown. To boot without an external display, remove the USB end of the Startech cable.
Special Note for teh Aaxa m2 Projector:

Power the projector on. Repeatedly hit the rightmost key on the top wheel until the "VGA" appears in the top-right corner to ensure that the Extgernal Device is set to VGA

Cheat keys

signed install - right game pad - all 4 game keys, on right-hand of display

text boot - right game pad - check-mark key, on right-hand side of display

boot to OFW - esc (X), keyboard key

diagnostics - left game pad - rocker left, on left of display

While Running

ctrl-alt-erase - restart sugar

Set Clock using serial adapter

At the ok prompt, type these commands to set the date (hitting enter after each one):

ok select /rtc
ok decimal
ok sec min hour day month year set-time

sec, min, hour, day, etc in the previous command should be numbers correlating to the current date. For the current time:

ok 03 49 22 4 10 2024 set-time

Set Clock using Linux

Once Linux has booted, login at a root terminal (e.g. press Ctrl+Alt+F1).

Set the system time using the date command, e.g. for the current date/time:

date --utc --set="2024-10-4 22:49:03"

Then shutdown normally and the system time will be stored in the clock.

(Don't force a shutdown by holding down the power button, because then the change won't be stored.)

Unsigned Build reflash commands from OFW ok prompt

XO1 - jffs2 from os-builder

copy-nand u:\osx.img


update-nand u:\osx.onu

XO1.5 and 1.75

fs-update u:\osx.zd4


flash u:\qxxxx.rom

Start cups service

/sbin/service cups start

FTP server

Link to brooksc OLPC News page on ftp on the XO <ref>Brooksc FTP notes</ref>.

pure-ftpd is now included in the standard repository packages, so one can just do a plain

yum install --nogpgcheck pure-ftpd

To manually start the service, non-persistent:

/sbin/service pure-ftpd start

USB ethernet auto-assign workaround

avahi-autoipd eth1

Battery/DC Notes

Battery Recovery Procedure on Wiki <ref>Battery Recovery Procedure</ref>
Troubleshooting Battery on Wiki <ref>Troubleshooting Battery</ref>
Power Mangement on Wiki <ref>Power Management</ref>

Please read the reference wiki pages for correct usage before executing any items from this following list of commands!! This list is *not* meant to be run as a script. It is merely a laundry list of commands to refresh my memory as to the correct spelling of those that are available. Also, since some commands from the batman.fth forth script are contained in the more recent firmware versions, one may get a 'not-unique' message when loading the script. It would appear these messages can be safely ignored.
At open firmware:

ec-abnormal@ .
fload u:\batman.fth

From Richard Smith on yellow wont go green
Next time you are using the machine stop powerd and run olpc-pwr-log in a terminal (you can use it normally) and let it run down until it powers off. Then remove the battery, power back up, run olpc-pwr-log again and then re-insert the battery. Let it charge until you see the got to 100 and the 3rd and 4th column of numbers reach some sort of steady state where they don't change much. Ctrl-C and then send me the file.

FYI. Col 3 is voltage in uV and col 4 is amperage in uA.

Also send me all the files you have in ~olpc/power-logs

Barrel specs:

  • 1.67mm Center pin diameter
  • 5.5mm Outer barrel diameter
  • 11mm contact length

Trackpad/Keyboard commands

What kind of trackpad do I have?

dmesg | grep psmouse

Output from above command:
XO 1.5 newer CL1A = serio1: ID: 10 02 64
XO 1.5 older CL1A = synaptics
XO 1.0 = 50

Tap-to-click Persistent for older CL1/CL1A - edit the following file; to turn on set the param =1 or off =0


Tap-to-click Non-Persistent for newer CL1A - to turn ON

echo -n C > /sys/bus/serio/drivers/psmouse/serio*/flags

Tap-to-click Non-Persistent for newer CL1A - to turn OFF

echo -n c > /sys/bus/serio/drivers/psmouse/serio*/flags

Adopt authority/permissions hint

add the NOPASSWD option in /etc/sudoers just for the scripts/commands you need

Sample yum syntax

For download only of yum updates to an External USB Volume PATRIOT with subdirectory called UpdateRpms

yum update --downloadonly --nogpgcheck --downloaddir=/media/PATRIOT/UpdateRpms

For installing rpms from a USB volume PATRIOT with subdirectory called UpdateRpms and no internet access

yum localinstall --nogpgcheck --disablerepo=* /media/PATRIOT/UpdateRpms/*.rpm

Install bad and ugly gstreamer files to USB

For download only of rpm's to an External USB Volume PATRIOT with subdirectory called Guvcview. This will alter the repos used for subsequent Updates, so delete rpmfusion repos later if you wish

yum install --nogpgcheck \ \
sleep 2
yum install --downloadonly --nogpgcheck --downloaddir=/media/PATRIOT/Guvcview \
gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg

Enable and Start Bluetooth service

To enable:

systemctl enable bluetooth.service

ln -s ‘/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service’ ‘/etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.bluez.service’
ln -s ‘/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service’ ‘/etc/systemd/system/'

To start:

systemctl start bluetooth.service

Frequent Links for XO resources

XO diagnostics <ref>XO diagnostics</ref>

Developer Builds <ref>Developer builds</ref>

Koji for arm rpms <ref>Arm rpms from Koji</ref>

Stable builds <ref>Stable builds</ref>

Enable Cups <ref>Enable CUPS</ref>

OS Builder Wiki <ref>OLPC-OS-Builder</ref>

Printing OLPC Notes<ref>Printing OLPC Notes</ref>

Printing Tony Pearson IBM Notes<ref>Printing Tony Pearson IBM Notes</ref>

OLPC News mavrothal page <ref>Mav ref page</ref>

Disassembly Instructions <ref>Disassembly Instructions</ref>

Manufacturer Data Legend <ref>Manufacturing Data legend</ref>

Notes on first steps on XO 1.75 B1 <ref>XO 1.75 B1 arrival </ref>

External links


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