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  • Internet: "Failed to activate connection: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.permissionDenied: Not authorized to control networking."
  • Storage devices not shown: the Documents folder icon is missing, no attached usb-sticks are shown


  • intro: naming screen in grey (fixed in artwork, must be released and packaged)
  • namin alert is grey (fixed in artwork, must be released and packaged)
  • The height of the entry, and the width of the scrollbars in gtk3 activities are wrong
  • gtk3-artwork: parsing warning


  • Paint does not start (can not find binaries)
  • Abacus does not start (using old API: 'set_toolbox')
  • Clock activity draws off the screen
  • Speak: toolbar floats off the screen (stop button)
  • TurtleArt: inverted color of the turtle on the screen
  • Fototoon: ideas: activity icon: fill the bubble with the fill color?, write something on the canvas like in Labyrinth
  • Etoys: DBusError because of presence-service (which is version 0.90.1-4)
  • Maze: flickering cursor (every second), how to know that you need to click to get into the next level?
  • Pippy: tried Jump example: Warnings in output ('GMountMountFlags')
  • WikipediaActivity: does not start
  • Record: does not start, uses deprecated items in
  • Distance: flickering around activity icon in launcher
  • Help: fails to start, no hulahop
  • When stopping an activity, the activity icon in the toolbar does change it's position some times
  • Browse: unable to load file "/home/olpc/.library_pages/index.html", which is not there
  • Labyrinth: does not start, uses deprecated items in


  • Internet: "Failed to connect"
  • gnome-terminal: very big font


  • Tap to click is enabled
  • Automount of a pandrive does not work. In /var/log/message there are a error /etc/crypttab file not found