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		<h1>Children: Children actively engage in knowledge construction</h1>
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				<img src="../img/exploring.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="exploring" />
				<p>The XO gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or  impossible-for children to access.
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				<img src="../img/expressing.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="expressing" />
				<p>The XO helps children build upon their active interest in the world around them to engage with powerful ideas. Tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities.
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				<img src="../img/learning.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="learning" />
				<p>The XO takes learners beyond instruction. The are actively engaged in a process of <em>learning through doing</em>. Children also learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners. 
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				<img src="../img/resources.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="resources" />
				<p>The XO not only delivers the world to children, but also brings the best practices of children and their teachers the to world. Each school represents a <em>learning hub</em>; a node in a globally shared resource for learning.
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