OLPC Asia BaseCamp 2013

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OLPC BaseCamp 2013 is a 100% community-driven gathering of people who care about education and the use of technologies to enable learning for children in disadvantaged communities. Every participant can be an active contributor to this mission. When there are dialogues, perspectives sharing and opportunities to work with like-minded people, we may reach a tipping point.

General Agenda


Where is the schedule?

We will publish the schedule once it finalize (but it will never be :-)) Here is the reason why .. Since we may have 1/2 of the participants who are new to OLPC we need to plan for a balance event. Day 1 will be alot of XO handons, networking, and exposure to technologies available for education. Once people have clear idea of olpc, Day 2 will be used to focus on the theme of "OLPC 2.0: the next journey" Love to try Open technology meeting format where people set their topic...As for Day 3 .. let see what happens from Day 1-2. Hackers will start their Hackfest on the Schoolserver XSCE on Day 3 (Nov 18) and continue to Day 4 and Day 5 (20 Nov) morning

Start a dialogue by commenting now....

Does the agenda allow for any free time in the evenings (or do we have something planned each night)?

Yes, we hope participants takes this like a retreat. After a hard days work we want you have free time to explore Malacca. If we have programs we will announce but participation is optional eg If you hate to go to the beach and see the sunset :-(

Will some sessions be recorded and replayed?

I am sure there will be some.... will let the experts in Hangouts to record stuff

What I should bring?

Your physical self and your heart to participate. With that you can also consider your devices, gadgets, toys or whatever you think has educational value for learning. We want participants to contribute and learn learning by doing and sharing.

Do I need a laptop?

Its not mandatory to bring a laptop but it feel free to bring your laptops and OLPC devices as you can join to our technical sessions for knowledge sharing. Avoid regrets!

I can bring my XO device(s)

Yes, we highly encourage to bring your own OLPC devices.

Power supply (sockets/adapters/extension codes)

Malaysia use [Type G http://www.iec.ch/worldplugs/typeG.htm] plugs and wall sockets as per. It would better we can plan for extension codes against number of people visit.



Participation beyond the BaseCamp

Will there be a video channel so I can watch Keynotes (or those from other locations)?

When the time comes and if we have the time and good internet link why not. Volunteers needed to make this happen.

Where I can find twitter feed on the BaseCamp?

We are waiting for someone who has an account and the know how to set the twitter feed. Teach us how to use it for those who are not twitters!

Meals and Social Events

I see you have meals listed – is there someplace special I go if I have food allergies?

We will be surrounded by food stalls/restaurants as the venue we are in is a very popular hangout area. If you want to have American food.. (or if you have food allergies) then Hard Rock cafe is your friend. It is 3 minutes from where we meet and maybe we can hear your music too....as you eat!

What if I want to host a social event?

Just announce it and you become the cheerleader and host for the event. On Day 2 (Sunday 17) there is a plan to hire a bus and got o a beach area and have dinner by the pool or sea. Watch the sunset, swim and relax... Anybody interested?

I'm bringing my spouse/kids with me, will they be able to join me during evening events (specifically meals)?

Yes, you can come with your family. We believe learning is for all!

I’m a minor so will I be able to take part in the social events? Will my guardian?

Unless this social event is announced as Adult only...which we do not encourage or the venue have age restriction.


Quick and Dirty.. No need to re-invent the wheel. Click on the link below for "About Malaysia" from another Malaysian Event

About Malaysia

Travel from KL

Travel from Singapore

Immigration/Visas for the BaseCamp

I need the address where I'm staying for my visa application

I need an invitation letter for the airport

If you need we can get one for you. If the immigration ask why you are coming to Malaysia, maybe it is safer to say you are coming for a meeting summit. Basecamp has a different meaning in today's context :-)


There are alot of hotels and guesthouses from cheap to expensive depending on what you want. We suggest people stay near (say less then 1 Kilometer from our venue) so that they can walk to basecamp.

Getting There

How will I be sure to catch a shuttle to the venue?

We suggest people book hotels or guesthouse less then a kilometer from the basecamp venue. Participants can walk to the venue or even go back for a quick shower and siesta if needed. You will know the reason why if you have been to Malaysia.

Is there somewhere to hang out on Friday?

Yes...Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights are the busiest day/night in Malacca town. You can even take board river rides or enjoy the many cafes along the river. If you like the crowd then visit the night Jonker Walk attraction and eat till you drop.

Do you have recommendations for mobile data/voice service providers?

How much money should I bring for meals and taxi?

For taxi from KLIA to Malacca I was told it may cost about M$50 per person. As for meals I think it should be less then $M10 per meal.

Do we attend any local school/site for a deployment/workshop

For those who are in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 14 there will be a visit to deployment site. This is in Raub, Pahang and takes 1-2 hours by car journey. At around 3:00 pm we will meet the Orang Asli children when they finish school and return to their boarding place. For Day 3 there is a possibility of a case-study,planning and preparation for this deployment. Will see :-)