OLPC Europe/Campaign-2014-02-24

< OLPC Europe
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I - --SvenAERTS 09:13, 25 February 2014 (UTC) - sent following email

Subject: Att: Delegate's name - 3296th Council meeting Education, Youth, Culture and Sport - Request for collaboration from the olpc-europe community. We would like to have a talk.

Dear M.,

I'm a member of the open-community, open-hardware, open-software and open-robotics initiative "One Laptopschool Per Child" and we would like to help you reach your goals. OLPC aligns with Millennium Development Goal nr2. and supported by Kofi ANAN, Ban KI-MOON, Unesco, etc.

Can you have quick look at the 2' video's on the iniative on http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Europe


  1. Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the EU Educational Landscape?
  2. FAQ and Most Frequent Misconceptions
    1. How much does the laptop cost? 160 € + 30 € for the PV panel
    2. The deployment pays for itself thanks to the CO2e certificates the deployment generates and the additional tax revenues from an ict literate and equipped population who is more capable in generating additional value and consequently spends on more advanced gsm/satellite etc. on which the gvt. levies taxes.
    3. A computer for poor kids or simply the best educational laptop-x-tablet for any kid, including yours? You don't want to give your kid a 750 € iPad; you want a school reduced so it fits in a sturdy child proof lunch box and chatbots as 1st line teachers. Put 4 wheels on it and you have a robot, put 4 rotors on it and you have a drone.
  3. Plan of Action
    1. A budget for lectures and workshops: who are the leaders in the educational landscape in your country?
    2. A budget for a labo in every region where the educational landscape can meet the XO-XS, robotics
  4. An olpc cell in your organization?

Update: About ALL kids in Uruguay, Peru, Rwanda, several Island States and soon Australia, have the XO, an open-source, open-hardware, open-robotics and open-community laptop convertible into a tablet annex robots; Haiti, Australia, Cameroon, Mongolia and several school networks in the United States are going along the same path.

Though some European kids may have an iPad class, may they still be missing the boat or are they on the wrong ship? Reading the wikipedia or being part of the wikipedia? That seems sum up both projects. A programmed to fail device or a laptop-x-tablet made to be repaired: all the same screws, only 1 standard + screwdriver needed? GSM operators sucking the last euro's out of families'pockets, or free relayed communication thanks to these open-source, open-hardware, open-community XO's?

Sincerely, skype SvenAERTS - OLPC Community Brussels http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Europe Tel: +32 2 7 876 7 21 gsm: +32 487 580 265


  1. Belgium: Mr Olivier BELLE Deputy Permanent Representative - dispatch.belgoeurop@diplobel.fed.be
  2. Bulgaria: Ms Aneliya KLISAROVA Minister for Education and Science GIS@government.bg
  3. Czech Republic: Mr Jindřich FRYČ Deputy Minister for Education, Youth and Sport
  4. Denmark: Mr Ole TOFT Deputy Permanent Representative
  5. Germany: Mr Guido PERUZZO Deputy Permanent Representative
  6. Estonia: Mr Clyde KULL Deputy Permanent Representative
  7. Ireland: Mr Ciarán CANNON Minister of State with responsibility for Training and Skills (Department of Education and Skills)
  8. Greece: Mr Konstantinos ARVANITOPOULOS Minister for Education and Religious Affairs
  9. Spain: Ms Monserrat GOMENDIO KINDELAN State Secretary for Education, Vocational Training and Universities
  10. France: Mr Vincent PEILLON Minister for Education
  11. Croatia Mr Goran ŠTEFANIĆ Deputy Permanent Representative
  12. Italy: Mr Marco PERONACI Deputy Permanent Representative
  13. Cyprus: Mr. Kyriakos KENEVEZOS Minister for Education and Culture
  14. Latvia: Ms Ina DRUVIETE Minister for Education and Science
  15. Lithuania: Mr Dainius PAVALKIS Minister for Education and Science
  16. Luxembourg: M. Claude MEISCH Minister of National Education, Childhood and Youth
  17. Hungary: Ms Rózsa HOFFMANN State Secretary for Education, Ministry of Human Resources
  18. Malta: Mr Neil Kerr Deputy Permanent Representative
  19. Netherlands: Ms Jet Bussemaker Minister for Education, Culture and Science
  20. Austria: Mr Harald GÜNTHER Deputy Permanent Representative
  21. Poland: Ms Ewa DUDEK Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of National Education
  22. Portugal: Mr Nuno CRATO Minister for Education and Science
  23. Romania: Mr Remus PRICOPIE Minister for National Education
  24. Slovenia: Ms Metka IPAVIC Deputy Permanent Representative
  25. Slovakia: Mr Alexander MICOVČIN Deputy Permanent Representative
  26. Finland: Ms Krista KIURU Minister for Education and Science
  27. Sweden: Ms Ulrika STUART HAMILTON State Secretary to the Minister for Gender Equality
  28. United Kingdom: Mr Matthew HANCOCK Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Department for Education
  29. EU Commission: Ms Androulla VASSILIOU Member