Talk:Tiny Core Linux

Revision as of 23:09, 16 February 2014 by Quozl (talk | contribs)
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Configure wireless

A 1.5 here with firmware q3c16. No eth0 is evident.

  • scan for networks:
iwlist scan | more
... lo ...
... wlan0 ...
  • associate with an open network:
#iwconfig eth0 essid network
iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys
  • configure the interface using DHCP
  • Try to retrieve something.
Unable to locate remote host
Yes, eth0 is no longer present in recent versions, you must identify the interface name using iw dev, and I've edited the page to show that. For all other network connection problems, refer to the Tiny Core Linux web sites, as we don't provide support for Tiny Core Linux here beyond that required for hardware compatibility. --Quozl 23:09, 16 February 2014 (UTC)