OS Builder/Add Restricted

< OS Builder
Revision as of 06:03, 3 February 2015 by Quozl (talk | contribs)
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Restricted software has license conditions that prevent us from including it in published builds. These include an Adobe Flash plugin, GStreamer MP3 codecs, OpenGL ES 2.0, and vMeta hardware-accelerated codecs.

How to add

How to add restricted software to your build:

  • merge the patches on our restricted branch,
  • edit the files and change $FIXME; contact OLPC for the URL of the repository,
  • add one of the files to the end of your .ini file, or use one of the files as second argument on the builder command line, for example;
./osbuilder examples/olpc-os-14.1.0-xo4.ini restricted-4.ini   

See Also