XS Community Edition/6.1

< XS Community Edition
Revision as of 03:42, 23 September 2016 by Holt (talk | contribs)
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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.

XSCE 6.1 was released September 22, 2016, building off XSCE 6.0 while including major advances such as Sugarizer (Learning UX), Calibre-server (ebook library), and Moodle (LMS, or learning management system).

Please see the Release Notes, and evolving FAQ for more general questions.

XSCE 6.1 will most likely be followed by XSCE 6.2 sometime in early 2017.

Background features / directions planning included:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mBQT2WRFLMDfjEA3XPhvvtS6JtDM0wu0KnM07q0dJIw/edit (click on the "6.1" tab at bottom)

Note we are considering a regular 6-month release cycle for XSCE 6.2 and beyond. Please join our weekly "Thursday" calls to help push this forward!


Background: our spring 2016 XSCE 6.1 Design Workshop took place North of Seattle, and also nearby Vancouver, Canada.