XS Community Edition/6.2
This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.
IIAB/XSCE 6.2 will most likely arrive in April 2017.
We began working around a regular 6-month release cycle starting with XSCE 6.0 (released March 27, 2016) leading up to XSCE 6.1 (released September 22, 2016).
Documentation was overhauled & refreshed in early 2017: http://schoolserver.org/FAQ https://github.com/xsce/xsce/wiki
The focus for IIAB/XSCE 6.2 includes: (code is here)
- Strong Raspberry Pi 3 support, including the Raspian Pixel OS's (see security updates from late Nov 2016, and early 2017)
- Strong support for teachers/librarians who want ad hoc USB stick/drive materials to appear instantly at http://box/usb
- Captive Portal implementation, so most users don't need to type in any URL at all (e.g. http://box.lan, http://school.lan, http://schoolserver.lan). LIKELY DEFERRED TO IIAB 6.3!
Join our weekly "Thursday" calls to help push this forward!
The latest *stable* release (currently 6.1, as of March 2017) should always be available at: https://github.com/XSCE/xsce/releases/latest
Please monitor the latest code emerging at our new repos starting April 2017: http://github.com/iiab
Return to this IIAB/XSCE 6.2 summary site anytime later, with short link: http://schoolserver.org/6.2