Talk:OLPC Nigeria

Revision as of 12:17, 26 April 2006 by Khassounah (talk | contribs) (spelling)
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I just retruned from volunteering in Nigeria where I worked with children in several schools on media education and ICT. Can you tell me what are the potential for developing a project related to your computers in Nigeria? My visit demonstrated to me the need for innovations such as yours in Nigeria.
Thank you.
Lee Rother, PhD (

The potential is at its most :). The platform is open, and distributions are available, so you could start working on any related project immediatly. There are even development boards that will become available soon if those are needed to do any initial testing for any educational software or content.

You could use the mailing lists to interact with people currently working on HDLT-related projects. You could also check out the OLPC Idea Pool for inspiration.