XO Korea/los/Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) classification

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Division 1 - Economic Development (Introduction)

Plant Production and Plant Primary Products Field Crops Horticultural Crops Forestry Primary Products from Plants Sustainable Plant Production Systems
Animal Production and Animal Primary Products Livestock Pasture, Browse and Fodder Crops Fish Primary Products from Animals Sustainable Animal Production Systems
Mineral Resources (Excl. Energy) Exploration Primary Mining and Extraction Processes First Stage Treatment of Ores and Minerals Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Energy Resource Exploration Mining and Extraction Preparation and Supply of Energy Source Minerals Prevention and Treatment of Pollution Other
Energy Supply Energy Transformation Renewable Energy Energy Storage and Distribution Conservation and Efficiency Prevention and Treatment of Pollution Other
Manufacturing Processed Food Products and Beverages Fibre Processing and Textiles; Footwear and Leather Products Wood, Wood Products and Paper Human Pharmaceutical Products Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products Agricultural Chemicals Industrial Chemicals and Related Products
Manufacturing Basic Metal Products (Incl. Smelting) Ceramics, Glass and Industrial Mineral Products Fabricated Metal Products Transport Equipment Computer Hardware and Electronic Equipment Communication Equipment Instrumentation
Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment Other Manufactured Products Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Construction Planning Design Materials Performance and Processes Construction Processes Building Management and Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Transport Ground Transport Water Transport Air Transport Other Transport Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Information and Communication Services Computer Software and Services Other Information Services Communication Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
Commercial Services and Tourism Electricity, Gas and Water Services and Utilities Waste Management and Recycling Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Property and Business Services Tourism Other Commercial Services Prevention and Treatment of Pollution
XO Korea/los/college/Economic Framework Macroeconomic Issues Microeconomic Issues International Trade Issues Management and Productivity Issues Measurement Standards and Calibration Services Other Economic Issues

Division 2 - Society (Introduction)

XO Korea/los/college/Health Clinical (Organs, Diseases and Abnormal Conditions) Public Health Health and Support Services
XO Korea/los/college/Education and Training Early Childhood and Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Vocational Education and Training Special Education Other Education
Social Development and Community Services Work Arts and Leisure Community Service (Excl. Work) Religion and Ethics Justice and the Law Government and Politics International Relations
Social Development and Community Services Heritage Understanding Past Societies Communication Other Social Development and Community Services

Division 3. Environment (Introduction)