Emulating the XO

Revision as of 01:14, 24 May 2007 by MitchellNCharity (talk | contribs) (begging of a linux quick start.)
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This page is an inprogress overhaul of OS images for emulation.

Quick Start

Mac Quick Start

Linux Quick Start

1. Obtain qemu.

On Fedora, as root:

yum install qemu

On Debian/Ubuntu, as root:

apt-get install qemu

2. Obtain an image.

Download olpc-redhat-stream-development-ext3.img.bz2 (md5). Then,

bzcat olpc-redhat-stream-development-ext3.img.bz2 > laptop.img

3. Run qemu on the image.

qemu -soundhw es1370 -serial `tty` -hda laptop.img

4 (optional) Make qemu run faster.

If you want to use kqemu to speed up the emulation (on x86 and related cpus) then

modprobe kqemu major=0

and add the -kernel-kqemu option. See Using QEMU for Troubleshooting for tips.

We have heard multiple people say that QEMU doesn't work with these images on the debian-derived distributions. The symptom is that the kernel hangs during boot. There's a problem with bochsbios version 2.2, version 2.3 works. As a quick fix, apm=off can be added to OLPC kernel arguments. (For more info, see the discussion.)

If you have network problems through Qemu and OLPC, try this.

FreeBSD Quick Start

Install qemu from ports: cd /usr/ports/emulators/qemu && make install clean
or as a package pkg_add -r qemu
Once installed, load kqemu and aio kernel modules: kldload kqemu
kldload aio
and launch the image you want: qemu -hda olpc-stream-development-7-20060609_1600-ext3.img

Quick Start: Get image

Developing software using emulation