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A wixi is a wiki with annotated text. It is intended to facilitate language learning.


wixi twexter

wixi'd wikis get text twext.. twext texts provide meaningful, comprehensible input for language learners.. wikis make twext easy to share..

the OLPC will connect kids learning many different languages.. wixi offers a learner-centric environment for kids to construct language learning..


if you know sugar/python and wanna help kids learn, you could maybe help make this wixi program a real-world learning example: http://wixi.cc/hello_world


chunk method

twext uses a simple method to associate chunks of text with chunks of translation.. the method works with regular text and also with lyrics to songs.. and any of many languages: http://wixi.cc/twexter

press ESC to stop the animations, RELOAD to restart animations


xcroll may also be useful for regular mediawiki editing


xcroll input

xcroll now controls text and twext input windows, as well the live preview window.. controlling many windows with a single scrollbar has many potential uses.. a xcroll demo works (w/ firefox) now: http://twext.cc/twexter


twexml output

twexter creates xml or .twx output, with aim to print twext texts in flexible file formats for a plethora of publishing platforms.. one interpretation may work for wixipedia.. we're also asking for help from the OLPC team to make a javascript/xulrunner networked desktop application that might integrate with... yellow ?.. http://twext.cc/go/xo

any language already in twexter can serve as source for translation to add another language.. so English can be source to add Cockney, or Español can be source to add Tagalog, Maya, Nauhtl.. even Spanglish..



any of many languages, dialects and slangs can get twext.. if 30 languages play, 900 learning bridges are possible


by early june, we should be adding languages to twext.. Waqas Hussein of Redhive Labs in Pakistan delivered the basic twexter demo and is now making software to save and manage multilingual twexts.. the design allows languages, dialects and slangs to participate and includes basic wixi history/revert functions.. http://twext.cc/go/18



http://twext.cc/pix/WixiJump.gif what if 10 languages and 10,000 users wixi twexter? or 100 and 1,000,000? either way, there is a chance that rich data may emerge.. down the road, maybe part of http://omegawiki.org.. for now, we're looking at a trick to make filenames include independent database info.. big picture data design goal is to classify chunks by meaning before categorizing them as part of a specific language.. afaik maybe doable w/ http://wixi.cc/atoms



wixi integrates twexter into the XO wiki, MediaWiki or any other wiki.. the source text might be fixed, but anyone can edit the translation the wiki way.. http://wixi.cc/wixi



wixi can grow to help anyone, including OLPC kids, turn popular parts of popular songs into fun ways to construct language learning with visualized, twext translated, legal and transformative "fair use": http://wixi.cc/citage


lucha libre

UNAMESCOMCICESIME UPIICSACELe ¡banda! ¿quién es el jefe de los jefes? ¿el mero mero? ¿quién va a entregar WiXi y ganar tantos usuarios? sencillo: con PHP, la Wixipedia.. Python, la XO.. con ID3vx, todo mundo MP3.. poco a poco, muchos usarios, muchos sistemas, mucho aprendizaje.. ¡y ya! ¿para qué esperar? http://wixi.cc/lucha-libre


learning language learning

wixi is a idea for a very simple program that OLPC kids can use to learn each others language.. at little cost, we can deliver a new tool that can also test kids' capacity to "learn learning".. who knows, maybe kids can even teach know-it-all adults something about language learning :) worth a try?


€30K .nl

nederlander? free software developer? opportunity: 22 june, digital pioneers grant proposals are due.. free software developers in nederlands can apply to earn up to €30K by introducing a "foreign" free software into the nederlands.. get paid a.) to wixi wikipedia, b.) connect .nl kids with language learning olpc kids worldwide.. c.) scratch twext http://wixi.cc/dp13



risk 10 minutes and $10 bucks to make free wixi for the XO happen by July.. then watch it grow to serve millions of kids around the world with a free language learning platform the kids themselves can construct.. sign the pledge now to make wixi's xo proposal more persuasive.. http://pledgebank.com/OLPCwixi10



scratch help kids learn programming by assembling commands to create multimedia games.. adding twext or wixi to scratch could be an simple, affective, effective way for kids to program some human language learning.. 'http://scratch.mit.edu

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