Talk:Software ideas

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Also, we don't want kids to be punished by rewards.

Will there be terminal software of any sort? I can't imagine using my own Linux computer without the console, rxvt, or xterm; there is such a wealth of undemanding applications available for use at this level.

  Don't see why not.  Maybe that is your contribution...a terminal editor.  Be sure to make it social.  Like maybe a button that lets a user invite some other user to share the terminal window so the kids can show stuff to one another eaisly...  Lee.Sailer 22:10, 23 June 2007 (EDT)

Most of these ideas on the article page seem so solitary...calculator, units converter, and so on. I am trying to think social software and virtual Wiki optimized for kids drawings, or tagging services, or *gasp* something like MySpace. A local do-it-yourself Music Genome project for local music (or teachers, or uncles, or whatever the kids want to rate). Maybe just Usenet-like, optimized for kids, pictures, voice, drawings, or whatever the kids decide is cool.