Talk:Educational content ideas

Revision as of 19:44, 30 June 2007 by (talk)
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Please help us to better organize the wiki for educators to use. Currently, there is an overbalanced amount of technical content because a lot of hardware and software is underway. But the OLPC is not a project to create a cheap Linux laptop and will be a TOTAL AND UTTER FAILURE if that is what comes out of it.

For the OLPC to succeed as an education project, it needs top quality educational content. This is a major challenge since the world is currently awash in mediocre educational content in digital form. Someone has to sort out the gems that already exist. This may require licencing negotiations.

However, as an open source project we expect that we can harness the efforts of many people to create some truly innovative educational content. Stuff like MATLAB for kids (Squeak's Etoys come close to this).

wixi can offer a free (libre) kid-powered multilingual learning exchange.. wixi could format twext translations on stable wiki resources ie songs, sayings, quotes, etc

wixi links would love to be published on this wiki

Content from the Sharing your content with OLPC page

Ideas, cut