Talk:Ethiopian Millenium Gift Project
where are the patriotic ethiopians? we need this project more than anyone on earth.
- In time every one wil come. But we who arrived first have to start the job. Lets go to the respective translation sites and start working. Please do register so that the system knows who you are. The more your real contribution the more your previlages in the system will be. That is automatic. So go ahead and make your presence felt.
Building the OLPC_Ethiopia wikimedia page
Are you trying to produce the following effect at the top of the Article page?
There may be a better way to do it. I got the above by adapting one of the lines from near the bottom of the Sandbox page.
I hope that this helps.
Best wishes for the project.
- Yes I was trying to do that in a less intrusive way. If you can produce the some thing with the size at the page please go ahead. If you have know how on how to format wikimedia pages, you can go ahead and create one.
There are already books in Amharic
Books already exist in the Amharic language but they cannot be used in education because the cost of printing more copies and transporting them to where the kids are, is prohibitive. If only existing books could be used in an ebook reader, then infinite copies could be made and only one ebook reader needs to be distributed, not a hundred books. The OLPC is that ebook reader and using Evince with its support for DJVU format, enables existing paper books to be scanned and distributed with the OLPC. No special fonts are needed to support the minority languages. Even handrwitten books can be scanned and distributed this way.
- That is a very good point. Can you develop on that idea and provide us with ways to include in to the project.